
February 18, 2019


POWERFACT: Worry is a wasted emotion.

During one of last week’s live seminars, and again on this week’s coaching call, the topic of STRESS came up. With all the shifts and turns in our market, and in life. That’s no surprise, right? Darryl, being Darryl — came up with an acronym for it: 

S.T.R.E.S.S – Stop Taking Real Estate So Seriously

Look, ours can be a stressful business. We get it. Time crunches. Deals going sideways. Demanding clients. Over-the-top expectations.

It’s also filled with extraordinary opportunities. Blessings. Terrific people. Unlimited potential. And joy.

Stress and worry cause breakdowns. They hold our emotions hostage and rob us of the bandwidth we need to think on our feet and create solutions.

What helps? Laughter, perspective, and action.

Those are three powerful ingredients for designing lives and careers worth smiling about.

Laughter delivers a much needed D.O.S.E. of all the feel-good chemicals our bodies need to lift us up and keep us running! Learn more about that here. 

Perspective reminds us that nothing lasts, so worry in the moment doesn’t even make sense.

Action is the game-changer. It allows us to get out of our own way. Tony Robbins says, “Motion impacts emotion.”  Or the other saying I like is, “If you fall into a rut, don’t unpack and stay there!” Take action, it works!

So, no stress! Keep moving forward, know that you have people and resources that can help you move in the direction of your dreams and that my team and I are here for you!

Keep Smiling!


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