Being Versus Doing
There is a big difference between “being” and “doing.” We go through life and through our business and balancing both can become stressful. When we start off our day off by waking up to a To-Do list, it can feel draining rather than inspiring!
Being vs Doing
So, what exactly is “being”? Here’s a couple examples: when a ballerina is dancing, and she stops thinking about the mechanics of what she’s doing, and suddenly the music and her passion for what she’s doing takes over and she does this impeccable dance because now she’s dancing to the music with her whole soul; when a singer cuts loose, and they are belting out that ballad from their heart. That football player makes the game-winning catch, and he feels like his hand was being guided by God himself.
That’s the state of BEING rather than doing. There is no thinking involved.
Markus Wasmeier
Markus Wasmeier was a skier from Germany and he won two Gold Medals in the 1994 Olympics for men’s downhill skiing years ago. He was interviewed after, and this reporter asked him “How did you feeling going into the race?” This is what Markus said:
“The conditions for me to win were right -I felt no stress or pressure – no anxiety, which is my biggest adversary. When you feel too much or think too much then you’re not skiing, your thinking – the continuous mind is too slow. If I’m thinking about the next marker, I know I’m losing. I know I’ve done good when I get to the bottom of the hill, and all I remember is the top.”
That’s what it means to “BE”. When thought evaporates, and it’s pure action in that moment.
How You Can Move From Doing to Being
Let’s look back at a time when YOU were “being” versus “doing.” Think about when you are getting ready for a holiday event. You cook, clean, and wrap all the presents, and you only had a certain amount of time to get everything done. Do you remember buckling down and just getting to it, and ROCKING it?
In those moments when you were busy doing all of that, who WASN’T there? You. All the little thoughts in your head were gone because the only thing present was “Action”.
The reason you were so effective, and had such a breakthrough with your time management, is because you were BEING the commitment to the event. You were committed to making a difference with your family and committed to creating a wonderful holiday experience.
Here’s my punchline for you today: how we act as “being” versus “doing” in our lives is based purely on our commitment. When you are crystal clear about what you are committed to in your life and you wake up in the morning to that commitment, you no longer wake up drained by the To-do list. You wake up with a passion to LIVE in your commitment.
I’m going to encourage you this week to get crystal clear about what you’re committed to. In fact, I want you to be SO clear so that the commitment CALLS you into action, like you can’t NOT do it!
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? Reaching the state of “Being” and letting the action of the moment take over can be an incredible boost to your productivity!
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