Breakdown to Break Through
Breakdowns often lead to breakthroughs. That, when challenged with obstacles, we as human beings can find opportunities and solutions and adapt at extraordinary levels — sometimes ones we didn’t even know were possible.
This week, as my team and I work around the clock to make the shifts and solutions necessary to help our coaching members and real estate professionals all over this great nation navigate the changes before us, I wanted to share this message of hope and resilience with you.
Together we are better and stronger. Just as test pilots drive planes to breaking points to find ways to make aircrafts stronger and better — these times that are testing us will create breakthrough mindsets and skill sets for us as well.
Power Agents – Power Agents, you’ll find lots of tools to be more proactive, productive, mindful, and courageous in our Time and Money Management tab in the Classroom. Tools like Living Your Power Agent Prospecting Chart that helps you stay focused and makes prospecting a little more fun!
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