Darryl's Story
My Story

Like many entrepreneurs, my story started with struggle. The kind that changes the way you look at life, people and your future. At the age of fourteen my father passed away, leaving me untethered in many ways and with a mom not really capable of effectively managing her own life, much less parenting a sixteen-year-old. We reached a breaking point that caused me to become an emancipated minor and completely on my own in my final years of high school. Needless to say, I grew up very fast, and my original dream of a living a life of creativity as an actor and performer became a very real life of survival with daily questions of how I could pay rent, support myself, and finish school all on my own.
Why do I tell you all this? Because it does something to a kid when that happens, and it affects your belief system — especially in yourself. When I started in real estate, I was just 19. I had an awesome broker, Mac Levitt, who made a tremendous impact on my life and became a mentor, teacher, and friend -- and I learned a lot. At the time though — I couldn’t really speak with authority about my ability or worth — because I didn’t feel that way about myself. I did, however, believe in real estate and could speak with passion and from the heart about what working with a real estate agent can do for homeowners.

That one concept about believing in something bigger than yourself makes all the difference in the world.
Speak from the heart
I believe in speaking from the heart. I love bringing empowering messages to audiences from all over the world. I can’t tell you how incredible it is to see the “light bulbs” go off for a student, coaching member, or conference attendee when they GET the skill that I’m teaching them and really understand how mastering that skill will change their business for the better. When I tell you that my mission is the help people design careers and lives worth smiling about – those aren’t just words. I'm passionate about helping people succeed in a such a way that they have more joy, greater balance, and a whole lot more fun. That’s a little of my story. If there’s anything I can ever do to help you achieve your Next Level and create more smiles in your life – I hope you’ll give me a call. It’s what I do.
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