Q: What is the purpose of this feature?  

A: Digital Darryl™ is a great resource for analogies, metaphors, motivation, and guidance in between Coaching Calls. It’s like having Darryl with you when you’re meeting with a FSBO, preparing for an Open House, or meeting a new client. It’s on-demand coaching available 24 hours a day, that you get to carry around in your pocket.  

Q: Should I use my Power Program login email address when it asks me to sign in?  

A: No, you don't have to. The easiest option is your Google account if you have one! 

Q: Can I ask Digital Darryl™ for legal advice?  

A: NO – Do not seek legal advice from Digital Darryl™. Speak to a lawyer for any/all legal questions.  

Q: Can Digital Darryl roleplay with me?  

A: Yes! You can preface questions to Digital Darryl™ from the role of a buyer or seller - give the client’s demographic, family details, wants/needs for what they’re looking for, and their anxieties/reservations, and Digital Darryl™ will respond to that role and address those concerns.   

Q; How do I start a conversation with Digital Darryl™?  

A: At the bottom of the page is a text window, a microphone icon, and a phone icon. You can use the text window to type in your question. If you click on the microphone, you can speak the question out loud and your device’s microphone will generate your words to Digital Darryl™. Using the phone feature allows you to have a back-and-forth conversation as if you were picking up the phone to chat with Darryl himself.  


Q: Can other people see my chat history?  

A: No. Your chat history with Digital Darryl™ is private.  

Q: How do I save a chat to come back to? 

A: Your chats are automatically saved every time you open a new conversation. You may view or revisit them (continuing an old chat conversation) by clicking on your History icon.  

Q: I want to start a new conversation, how do I do that?  

A: Click on the little icon with a “+” to open a new conversation with Digital Darryl™.  

Q: Do I have to be a POWER AGENT® to use it? 

A: Yes. Digital Darryl™ is an exclusive add-on for POWER AGENTS™ only.  

Q: How can I get the most out of a response from Digital Darryl™?  

A: Be detailed in your question/conversation. Providing information that includes details will help Digital Darryl™ tailor his response to your specific situation. Are you looking for an analogy or metaphor? Ask for one and give details about the situation you want it to pertain to.  

Q: I loved the response I got from Digital Darryl™ and want to use it in an email or marketing piece, but it’s a little too long. Is there a way to get a shortened version?  

A: Yes. At the top of the Digital Darryl™ portal, click on the hamburger menu (three dots). This will give you the option to revise the response and deliver it in a more concise form. You also have options to Go Deeper or to Give an Example:  

A: Can I hear the answer in Darryl’s voice?  

A: Yes! After typing your question or request into the prompt, you’ll see Digital Darryl’s™ dots dancing as he thinks of a response. Once the response is finished generating, you can click on the little sound icon next to his avatar to hear it in his voice:   

Q: What are the little numbers that appear sometimes when Digital Darryl™ responds to my question?  

A: Those are special footnotes that will bring you to resources in your portal that may be useful to you, depending on the topic you and Digital Darryl™ are discussing. These resources may be Coaching Call recordings, Classroom materials, or webinars.  

Q: Can I ask Digital Darryl™ questions specific to the market in my area?  

A: If you provide details about the market in your area and how it pertains to your query, Digital Darryl™ can provide a detailed response to your situation. It will not know anything about the current state of the market in your area unless you provide those details.  

Q: Does it have access to current data on the Internet the way ChatGPT does, so it can know about current events in the industry in real time?   

A: No. Digital Darryl™ is an AI-generated clone of Darryl Davis. It does not search the internet for relevant content to add to responses. It uses access to Darryl’s previous coaching sessions, webinars, and content found in your portal to generate answers to your questions and to interact with you.