Don’t Just Do The Action, Become The Action
We are called human beings, not human doings for a reason!
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
I had a Power Agent® tell me once, both excited and a little nervous, that he had exceeded the goals he had set, which was thrilling, but he was also filled him with doubt. He said to me, “What if my success didn’t comes from what I was doing in my business, but just dumb luck?”
The Analogy
This is what I had to say to him. When a ballet dancer dances on stage, she isn’t just DOING the dance, she IS the dance. The moment she looks down at her feet and asks herself “Am I doing this right?” — that’s when she will fall. It’s when she lets go of doubt and loses herself into the action that she becomes the dance, and it’s one of the most beautiful and powerful things in the world.
What’s Your Dance?
Now ask yourself, what are YOU really good at? Cooking? Gardening? Helping others? Let’s say you have a big holiday event you are preparing for. You have a ton of things to get done — cooking, cleaning, decorating, etc. You somehow manage to get it all done, but then who isn’t there? You.
Your thoughts, your feelings, your opinions are not there, all that shows up is your action. When you are performing at your best, you are not there, you become the action in the same way that the dancer becomes the dance.
It’s when you start to doubt yourself, and doubt your success and chalk it up to luck…when you get into your own head and ask, “Am I doing this right?” That’s when you are going to make mistakes and focus on the wrong things.
Finding Your Commitment
You find your commitment by getting out of your head and focus on taking action. Start by looking at the source of the action, which is your commitment to the action.
You aren’t committed to getting listings or getting sales. You are committed to building relationships. You are committed to helping others who are in need. THAT is where you shine!
When you are BEING your commitment, the actions will come naturally, and that is what will produce the results in your business. When you take your focus OFF the numbers and off the money and put it in the commitment in what you are best at — the commitment to building those relationships and making people smile.
When you can reach that point where you become the commitment…become the action…when you can do that, the money and success will follow naturally.
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? One of the ways our Power Agents help to create that laser focus on their commitment is to use the weekly calendars that we send every Monday. It gives them a solid action plan for the week — plus has them focus on the top things they want to accomplish, the tools they will choose to use, what they need to let go of, and how many families they are committing to serving each week!
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