Fall In Love With Your Choices
Take on your choices with conviction and commitment. Once you do, your life will never be the same.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
I have been a fan of Walt Disney for a long time. Not the kind of fan who has Walt’s face tattooed on myself of anything, but I do have a little bronze statue of Walt Disney and Mickey on my desk. I have done a ton of research on him because he has accomplished and created so much, and he’s inspiring to me.
The Big Question
I was looking at that statue the other day, and I started to wonder if Walt ever questioned his choices? Why did he pick a mouse instead of another animal? Did he sit there and think, “Will people think a mouse is dirty? Is a mouse not mainstream enough?” And then, when it came to the name, why choose the name Mickey? As he created all these wonderful things, did Walt question his choices?
Making The Choice
As a business owner, I question my choices all the time. I second-guess my decisions and wonder if I made the right choice. But what I have learned about Walt was this: Sure, he questioned his choices, but once he finally decided, he went all-in. He was 100% committed to the decision he made, and he fell in love with his choice.
When he chose a mouse as the main character, that was it. He was committed to that mouse. It didn’t matter what anyone said about the mouse, whether it was a good idea or a bad idea, he loved the mouse and he stood by his choice. It was like that with all the big decisions he made with his creations. Once he made the decision, he stuck by it.
As I thought about that, I began to think about the Power Agents® and how real estate agents (and all human beings) are faced with this all the time. We hem and haw, and second-guess our choices in our lives, in our businesses, even in our day-to-day activities. Can any of us even get through an hour without questioning our choices?
The Takeaway
I want to tell you all a secret. It doesn’t matter what choice you make. The part that actually matters is that when you make a choice, you commit to it 100%. You go all-in, you love it, and you own it. That is what breeds success.
This week, fall in love with your choices. Stop questioning it…believe in it, have conviction in it, and live from the choice you make.
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? Make your choices, then dig in. Appreciate them. Believe in your ability to, as Disney was famous for saying, “keep moving forward”. And always, always know we are here to help.
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