FSBO + Personal Card + Follow Up = Listing
Powerfact: In a competitive market with historically low inventory – how you show up uniquely makes all the difference.
by Julie Escobar
We love our partnership with AM Cards, a specialty greeting card company with a savvy CEO who just happened to try his hand at real estate as his business was growing. Putting into action his own best practices for appreciation marketing, we dove into how one FSBO + one greeting card equaled a $650,000 listing.
How One FSBO and a Greeting Card Turned Into a Listing
Curtis Lewsey shared with our Power Agents® on a valuable webinar that was chock full of marketing nuggets how he saw a FSBO in the community that he wanted to create market share. He saw a FSBO, and first decided just to knock on the door. After realizing it was renter occupied, he then went to local tax records, scored the homeowner’s information, then got busy with his marketing message.
“I took a picture of the home, put it on to the front of a greeting card, put a sold sign across the front, added a message inside that simply said, “I know what it’s going to take to sell your home. I then put my signature on it, and added my contact information, logo, and branding to the back. Then I stamped it (first class) and sent it on its way! Within days I had a text from the owner, saying, ‘Let’s have a conversation.’ I listed it 10 days after passing my Florida state exam!”
That’s How You Stand Out
Now let’s take strategy a step further for those who maybe don’t get the call immediately. (Power Agents®, you can connect now directly from your Classroom with no set up or monthly fees, and all cards are just $2.25 a piece INCLUDING POSTAGE!)
Three Steps for a Solid FSBO Strategy
Start with the photo card – just like Curtis did. Keep it simple.
Send second card two days later, use the 14 Safety Tips for FSBOs card in the system.
It covers smart, important factors FSBOs should know such as not just letting strangers in off the street but to schedule appointments and verify phone numbers, showing during the daylight, making sure you have an extra set of eyes during showings, not letting your car get blocked in the driveway, knowing escape routes, etc.
Follow up using the FSBO dialogue in the prospecting tab of your classroom. Modify the opening to introduce yourself and ask if they received their cards, start building rapport and take it from there! Upon following up with a FSBO using the safety card, Curtis shared how the wife couldn’t wait to tell him how her husband had let strangers into the home. They truly weren’t aware of the liability concerns until he sent the card. He ended up double-ending the deal and creating a valuable lifetime relationship.
In a world full of agents just “calling to get the appointment” – be the agent that cares. Be the one who is showing that they are willing to go an extra step or two to make sure a homeowner knows how committed you are to THEIR goals and return on investment. The combination of cards, marketing wow, and the right words will win you listing after listing.
Go get ‘em!
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