Knowing Where Your Value Comes From
People will choose to hire you based on your character rather than your production.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
I have a handyman, and honestly, he isn’t always the best handyman. Sometimes I have to go back and fix things myself, but I trust him 100%. He has so much integrity and honesty. I really like the guy, so I will always give him my business.
My point is this: People will choose to hire you based on your character rather than your production.
If a homeowner has the choice to hire a top agent, but his integrity is in question, or an agent that isn’t a top agent, but is honest and has a lot of integrity, the homeowner will choose the agent with integrity every time. They will choose someone they can count on that will give it to them straight and not lie, and someone who will work hard for them.
What If You Don’t Have A Lot of Experience?
I am often asked by agents how to get listings when you don’t have a lot of experience to show potential clients, and this is what I had to say:
Lead with your strengths.
Whether your greatest strength is your integrity, or you love helping people, you’re honest, working at the best company, you are passionate about something…lead with your enthusiasm and passion for the business.
I’m not the best speaker in the world, but my strength is in my integrity, authenticity, and humor. This is just who I am, with all my good points and my faults. Be exactly who you are, and people will be drawn to you because you are being authentic.
Knowing Where Your Value Comes From
Imposter syndrome can be a real struggle for agents (and all human beings), and it’s easy to believe that we aren’t enough. Not smart enough, not experienced enough, not whatever enough. We get it in our heads that we aren’t enough.
But here’s the thing…
If you take a $100-dollar bill and crumpled it up, is it still worth $100 bucks? What if you drive over it or step on it? Is it now worth less than $100? No, it’s still worth $100 dollars. Even if I cut it in half, I tape it back together, and voilà! It’s STILL worth $100!
The value in who we are as human beings has nothing to do with what occurs on the outside.
Go ahead and read that again.
We might get stomped on, crumpled up, or put through the wash, but our value doesn’t change with our circumstances, whether we have sold a lot of homes, or hardly sold any.
If you are really committed to serving and not selling, helping other people and coaching them and bringing them to the next level, and working your butt off trying to help them accomplish what’s important to them, then it doesn’t matter how many listings you’ve got.
To that one person, all that matters is this: “Are you going to give me your all?”
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? Knowing your strengths and finding ways to delegate those things you are not so good at is important to having a life worth smiling about.
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