Looking Back At Your Accomplishments in 2020
Powerfact: One simple act of acknowledging YOURSELF for what you’ve done is EMPOWERING enough to kick off the new year strong!
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
When I get ready in the morning, I like to have the news on so that I can listen while I get ready for the day. This one particular news channel I was listening to a few days ago was doing their review of 2020, but to my disappointment, it was all negative. Everything! I finally had to turn it off because it was so negative that it was putting me in a dark place, and I didn’t want to be there.
In fact, it reminded me of this acronym, “N.E.W.S. is Negative Events We See” because all too often, it’s the negative news that sells, so that’s what they focus on the most.
The Power of Positivity
This got me wondering, “Isn’t there anything positive that happened in 2020?” Immediately, I started thinking about the Power Agents®, and real estate agents in general.
See, this is what happens: We, as humans, find it easy to focus on what we DON’T have rather than what we DO have, and the where’s and how’s of how our expectations for the year weren’t met. This last year didn’t go as ANYONE expected!
The Homework
As we pack away 202o and lean into this year year 2021, I want you to do something for me. I want you to think about all the things that you DID accomplish in 2020.
There are a few adages that came to mind as I was thinking about this: “It takes money to make money”, “Success breeds more success”, “The rich get richer”…there are tons of those! But one that I want to add because I think it’s true — “Acknowledgement breeds more reasons to acknowledge.”
I want each and every one of you to take the time to acknowledge YOU. Acknowledge what you have accomplished, what you have done for others, what you have done for your family, what you have done well in your business, and really look at all the ways you have grown as a human being this last year.
Go ahead and write it down! It doesn’t matter where you write it, or if you just make a mental list, because regardless, you will feel empowered!
Big or Small, Every Accomplishment Matters!
What I know about real estate agents (and not just the Power Agents®) is that you have probably accomplished a great many things over the last year, but you may not realize it, or you may have forgotten.
I came across a quote this last week that I love, and I wanted to share it with everyone. William Feather, who is a great author and publisher, said this: “Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.”
See, I know you are powerful beyond what you might even know. How do I know that? Well, let me tell you! It’s because you are still here. You are still in business. If you can be in business after all the challenges we have seen and experienced in the last year, you are strong! You have gone through (and survived) the marine boot camp of life, and that’s because you have greatness in you.
You should feel good about what you have accomplished this year, and you should be proud of where you are at, because you have already proven that you have what it takes to be truly great.
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? Knowing your strengths and finding ways to delegate those things you are not so good at is important to having a life worth smiling about.
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