Reprioritization for Real Estate Agents: Navigating a Rapidly Changing Market
The “way it’s always been done” is being challenged everywhere you look, and adaptability is no longer a neat buzzword; it’s a must for survival.
For anyone who has watched the TV show “Survivor,” you know how fast the game can change. Who you thought would win a challenge falls behind because of a mistake, or the person you thought was safe ends up going home. These days, the real estate industry might be feeling a lot like a game of Survivor – things are changing fast, and that means your skills and “game” need to change fast to keep up with it.
Embrace Change in a Sea of Lawsuits
The “way it’s always been done” is being challenged in many facets of this industry, and adaptability is more than just a buzzword; it’s a survival tool. For real estate agents, this shift is not just a hurdle that must be jumped but an incredible opportunity for those who are willing to reprioritize their needs, wants, and goals and adapt to the ever-changing industry.
Reprioritize and Stay Ahead of the Curve
Reprioritizing means recognizing the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. It’s about understanding that coaching and training are not just tools for the present or a “quick and easy fix” but a solid investment for the future.
Legal and market changes have heavily impacted the real estate industry, thanks to these antitrust lawsuits, so staying ahead of the curve isn’t just about gaining new listings or making a quick sale; it’s about being prepared for what direction our industry is heading in, and what it will look like in the years to come.
The Pitfall of Being “Too Busy” for Growth
Many agents are currently trapped in a cycle of ‘busyness’, where the focus is on day-to-day tasks, often neglecting the bigger picture. They are “busy” – but are they productive? They are “busy,” – but are they working on high-priority activities that lead to bottom-line dollars like prospecting?
They are often “too busy” for coaching and training and fail to understand that it’s that very training that will provide the necessary skill builders they need in this market to counter the competition.
They are “too busy” to dive into the market change information and coaching that will help them steer clear of the legal landmines that will continue to plague our industry.
In short, being too busy to grow, learn, and develop your business will end up costing you more than just the time it takes to focus on skills. When you think you don’t have time for it now, will you have double that amount of time later when you are scrambling to keep up and stay in business?
Related reading: Harvard Business Review – Beware a Culture of Busyness
Double Down on Marketing
We all know the adage, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” In real estate, when the going gets tough, the marketing budget is one of the first things to get slashed by agents looking to save money. Cutting down on marketing might seem like the best decision at the time, but when others are cutting back on marketing efforts, it’s the perfect opportunity for a savvy agent like you to double down. This approach allows you to capture the market share left behind by your competitors. When other agents are stepping back from learning, evolving, and skill development, this is a chance for you to step forward to learn and grow and help buyers and sellers with your newfound skills.
The Danger of Complacency
Complacency [noun]: self-satisfaction, especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies, an instance of usually unaware or uninformed self-satisfaction.
Complacency in this rapidly changing market is akin to navigating a ship in foggy waters without radar. Agents who choose to skip training might find themselves hopelessly lost with no way of getting their bearings. When changes become a necessity, not only have these agents been unwilling to change because they didn’t think they needed to, but they might be unable to adapt to new regulations, market trends, and client expectations. They risk falling behind in an industry that values innovation, expertise, and positive client relationships.
The Power of Strategic Reprioritization
Reprioritization is not about choosing coaching over immediate business activities. Instead, it’s about integrating learning and adaptation into your business strategy on a daily basis. It’s about understanding that in times of change, those who are prepared, informed, and adaptable will thrive when other agents are just trying to survive.
As many “Survivor” contestants will attest to, the game starts the moment they step on the boat. Complacency has no place, and adaptability is a must – sometimes even hour to hour; just like in the real estate industry that is evolving so quickly, keeping your head in the game and building skills keeps you succeeding in your business.
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