S.A.F.E. Showings: Show Homes Safely Amidst The Pandemic
POWERFACT: An Agent with a PLAN is better positioned to be THE resource for both listings and sales, in ANY market.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
The real estate industry right now is just like flying an airplane and building it at the same time. Can you picture how that looks for the passengers? The worry? The frantic study of the blueprints? The hunt for the right tools? The scrambling to get the parts to fit together? That is our new real estate reality, where we are recreating the way our entire industry does business. We are rewriting all the rules and learning all these new ways of doing things so that we can continue to operate, even in the midst of this health crisis.
The biggest challenge that we have faced during this COVID-19 pandemic in the real estate industry is how to safely show homes to potential buyers without risking the health of everyone involved. Agents everywhere have been creating their own S.A.F.E. Showing methods to show houses safely, this evident even in the experience of one of our team members!
She listed a house for sale last week, and her real estate agent outlined everything she would do to sell the home, including her methods to have showings in the home itself. There had been no sales in that city in her price range in over a month, so she wasn’t anticipating a quick sale. However, her real estate agent used many of the marketing techniques outlined in the POWER Program® and these S.A.F.E. showing methods, and 6 days and 8 showings later, she had an offer!
So, what does S.A.F.E. Showing mean, exactly? Let me explain it to you.
- S – Sanitizing the home after every showing. Not only do you keep the sanitizing wipes handy, but scheduling cleaners specifically to sanitize the whole house for COVID-19 after all the showings are done will keep the house free of the virus.
- A – Airways (nose and mouth) covered with masks. If a buyer doesn’t have one already, one will be provided.
- F – Footwear removed/ wear disposable slippers over shoes. One of the biggest offenders when it comes to spreading the virus has been tracking it all over on the bottoms of shoes. The droplets land on the floor and people unknowingly walk through it, then leave a trail of particles in their path. This is why we ask that people remove their shoes or where booties through the house and wear masks.
- E – Eyes Only. There will be a no-touch policy in place, and sterile nitrile gloves can be provided for everyone coming into the home. I would recommend arriving early so that all doors and closet doors can be opened for viewing, and all lights turned on so that no light switches or doorknobs are touched. It is vital for everyone to keep their hands to themselves until the threat of the virus is gone.
The best way we have devised showings is to schedule them on one day of the week between 10 and 5, scheduling each at the top of the hour. Each showing should be approximately 30 minutes, possibly 45, which gives you 15 minutes between showings to take care of any sanitizing that needs to be done.
While many states are slowly starting to open things up, we need to be prepared in the case of a resurgence. We are slowly making our way back, but normalcy is a long way off, and the truth is, the real estate industry will never be the same again.
As we continue to build this plane in the air, each part that is riveted into place brings us one step closer to a safe landing in this new real estate reality.
We’re here with you every step of the way – to build the skills and offer the resources that agents absolutely need to feel confident, competent, and ready for whatever the world throws their way.
Power Agents — head over to your Listing Appointment tab to download the S.A.F.E. Showings Slide, and your 103-page Virtual Listing Appointment today!
You may also want to revisit the webinar on demand How to Deliver a Virtual Listing Conversation with an In Person Feel!
We are hosting weekly webinars to do deep dives on topics that agents need to thrive, not just survive! In fact — re-imagining your PLAN is what we will be diving into this week! I hope you’ll join us!
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