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Passion-Driven Success in Real Estate: The Love Advantage 

Passion fuels success in real estate—when you love what you do, you lead with confidence, build stronger relationships, and create a lasting impact. When you love what you do, it shows. It shows in how you approach your day, how you interact with others, and how you feel about yourself at the end of […]

Reality Check: How to Help Sellers Re-Think Price Wisely, Not Wishfully 

Guide sellers with trust, data, and strategy to price realistically, attract buyers, and close deals faster—without the stress of overpricing battles. Ever find yourself staring at a listing that’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s been sitting on the market longer than the leftovers in the back of the fridge? No showings, no offers, and a seller who’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s stuck on […]

December 2017 Power Hour with Darryl Davis

We had a blast on December’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s Power Agent® Power Hour Coaching Call. Great questions — fun answers – lots to think about. Click here to listen to or download the MP3 (audio only). If you missed it or would like to watch on demand — here’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s your chance! Enjoy! Mark your calendar for our […]

In Step with Power Agent Larry Gardner

[…] Always willing to share their experience with other agents to help them grow their businesses. Larry Gardner is the perfect agent to spotlight for spring! Q:  Larry, can you please tell our readers a little about yourself?  A: I started my Real Estate career in 2004. As I shared at our event my past […]

Real Estate Agents Change Lives For the Better

When you are helping people live the dream of home ownership, you are doing much more than facilitating a transaction — you’re changing lives. Here’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s what I really want you to get — when you are coaching people to make smart, meaningful decisions on one of the largest financial transactions most families have, you […]

How to Prospect Around Other Agent’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s Listings

[…] the NEXT house to be listed will be with a different agent. (Be THAT agent.) I recently shared a strategy with you that one of our VIP coaching members shared with me that helps him get around TEN extra listings a year! (That would be good–right?) Here’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s what he shared. Every time there is […]

When They List With ANOTHER Agent

POWERFACT: How you react when things DON’T go your way can be a deal maker or deal breaker. Every real estate professional has had it happen to them. You thought you nailed a listing appointment only to realize that the seller decided to go with another agent. OUCH. That stings. However, how you HANDLE […]

The Importance of SKILLS

POWERFACT:  Real Estate agents are paid in direct proportion to the skills they present when they are face-to-face and belly-to-belly with people serving, not selling, and coaching – not closing. Question — when do you want to START being your personal and professional best? Today? Next week? Next year? How about right now? You […]

PLANNING for Now Business, Future Business, and Financial Freedom

[…] to be in a position to not thrive in this business.  I truly believe we are in one of the best industries on earth. There are no ceilings, glass or otherwise.  You have the capacity to earn at any level depending on the amount of time, energy, and devotion you put to your work.  […]

How to Get Started or Re-Started in Real Estate

Powerfact: Whether you are getting started or restarted in this business — putting a system in place to develop NOW business and a cash infusion is a must-do!  Jump-starting your business can be daunting for a lot of agents. It doesn’t have to be that scary though when you have the right resources and […]

When You Hear “Zestimate”…

POWERFACT: Having the right tools, words, and skills to overcome any objection gives you a competitive edge. We recently had a Power Agent member share with us one of our weekly coaching calls how often she hears, “I already know what my house is worth, I got a Zestimate!” After the collective groan from […]

The Number One Skill to Improve NOW

POWERFACT:  Your skill level and expertise as a communicator will determine your level of success. Markets are shifting across the country from buyer’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s markets to sellerclass=”searchwp-highlight”>s markets and everything in between. Here’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s what that means for you. Get super sharp on your communication skills. EVERYTHING we do as real estate professionals comes down to […]