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How to Achieve Your Real Estate Goals

[…] journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” What does it take to achieve your real estate goals? Let’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s start with five class=”searchwp-highlight”>Cclass=”searchwp-highlight”>s to make it easy to remember! ONE:  CLARITY Ever hear that saying, “it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s hard to hit a moving target”? It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s truer today than it has ever […]

One-On-One Coaching with Darryl Davis

One-On-One Coaching with Darryl Davis Darryl only has FIVE personal coaching members at a time. Bottom line? You get a DIRECT LINE to Darryl. No set homework assignments. No lengthy contract or rules. No call in at a certain time or miss your slot for the month. Why? That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s just not how Darryl has […]

Mobile AOR – Coaching

Coaching Why join the power program? The POWER Program® is about you. When you have the right tools, training, coaching, and mindset — there’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s nothing you can’t accomplish. As a Power Agent, you’ll have access to everything you need to thrive in any market, and design a life and career worth smiling about. […]

How Weekly Real Estate Coaching Equals Weekly Wins

Ever wonder how a weekly real estate coaching call can equal a weekly WIN for your business? You don’t have to wonder anymore! Our Monday Mindset Call with the one and only – Darryl Davis, starts each week with a WIN-PARTY! Where agents share their real estate wins from the previous week and how […]

Don’t Go it Alone: The Importance of Community in Times of Change

Recent legal developments have upended long-standing industry practices and created uncertainty about the future.   These are unsettled times for real estate professionals. While change is inevitable, the current environment in the wake of the NAR Lawsuit may feel a little defeating and a lot like being lost in the dark. How can you find […]

Coaching One-On-One

One-On-One Coaching with Darryl Davis Bottom line?You get a DIRECT LINE to Darryl. No set homework assignments. No lengthy contract or rules. No call in at a certain time or miss your slot for the month. Why? That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s just not how Darryl has found he is best able to help agents get to the […]

Coaching One-On-One

One-On-One Coaching with Darryl Davis Bottom line?You get a DIRECT LINE to Darryl. No set homework assignments. No lengthy contract or rules. No call in at a certain time or miss your slot for the month. Why? That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s just not how Darryl has found he is best able to help agents get to the […]

Coaching Call Questions

Power Agent® Coaching Call Question Submit your question for the next Coaching Call! Get to the “front of the line” and submit your question using the convenient web form below! Please note: Questions asked here on the day of the call will not be answered. They will need to ask in person during the […]

Can Real Estate Coaching Help Boost Your Weekly Wins? (We sure think so!)

Wondering if real estate coaching can add some wins to your week – look no further! Our Monday Mindset Call with Darryl Davis is always a great way to start the week! We start each call off with a “WIN PARTY”, where our coaching members, who we fondly refer to as POWER AGENTS®, share […]

The 7 Things You Should Stop Doing: Listing Conversation Edition

POWERFACT: The more masterful you are at the listing conversation, the more confident you’ll be to prospect, the more listings you’ll land, and the more bottom-line growth you’ll enjoy. Now some of these should be obvious, but nothing surprises us anymore – right? So, let’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s dive in. Don’t come unprepared. Every agent I class=”searchwp-highlight”>coach, […]

Weekly Wins: The Link Between Coaching and Success Stories

The link between real estate coaching and weekly wins and real estate success stories is REAL. Our Monday Mindset Call with Darryl Davis is always a great way to start the week! We start each call off with a “WIN PARTY”, where our coaching members, who we fondly refer to as POWER AGENTS®, share […]