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How to Handle the Do Not Call (DNC) List

Do not be afraid of the Do Not Call Registry! That saiD, my advice is to always do what your broker says to do! On one of our coaching calls, we had a question that we have quite often: how to handle the Do Not Call List  (DNC) as a real estate professional. It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s an […]

Calling a Lost Listing

Should I call after Losing a Listing? That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s a question I get A LOT. Here’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s my answer… The only reason you would call a homeowner after losing a listing is purely for your benefit alone. You want to know where you went sideways-right? That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s about you – not them. And frankly, who knows if […]

Breakdown to Break Through

Breakdowns often lead to breakthroughs. That, when challenged with obstacles, we as human beings can find opportunities and solutions and adapt at extraordinary levels — sometimes ones we didn’t even know were possible. This week, as my team and I work around the clock to make the shifts and solutions necessary to help our […]

The Power of Being Present

POWERFACT: NOW is the time to improve your communication skills.  If you’ve ever heard me speak, you know that I share that one of the problems with “canned” or memorized listing scripts is that they create a wall between you and the people you are in a conversation with because you can get so […]

Mastering Your Attitude Skills in Times of Crisis

POWERFACT:  Your Attitude Defines Your Altitude!  By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP During these tumultuous times and all the uncertainty that comes with it, buyers and sellers everywhere need skilled real estate agents more than ever. If we, as agents, are confused and unsure how to navigate through this new real […]

How to Start Each Day POWERFULLY

POWERFACT:  Having tools that help you create a life that is both more balanced and more productive is a huge key to success in today’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s world. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP We are often asked… How do I keep from burning out? How do I find more balance? I’m always […]

How to Get 5 to 10 Listings on a Limited Budget

POWERFACT:  Facebook Community Groups are a POWERFUL source for leads! By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP The nature of real estate can sometimes feel like “feast or famine”, particularly during this COVID pandemic when many homeowners are hesitant to list their homes, and buyers are hesitant to look. Slowly, the regulations […]

Why Staying Focused Now Is Vital for The Future

Powerfact: Your focus determines your future By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I was asked this question on a recent coaching call, “Has there ever been a more challenging time economically to generate sales?” Let me tell you something: there has never, ever been a more complicated time in all of […]

How to Manage Competing Buyers

Powerfact:  Negotiation and communication skills are more important than ever! By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP What happens when there are more buyers than listings?  Occasionally – you end up working with two different buyers who are both are interested in the same house. That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s a great problem to have! However, […]

Using the 5-Second Rule to Get More From Your Day and Your Life

Powerfact: One big key to overcoming fear of the unknown — is to take ACTION. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I normally start the day by getting caught up on the news and researching and reading new articles. I have to tell you; I love learning and research because it […]

Why This Pandemic is Not Like the Housing Crisis In 2008

Addressing the Suze Orman Quote By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP On July 5, 2020, Suze Orman put up a post about how she was absolutely certain buyers should wait until Fall to buy a home, stating how this housing crisis was the same as it was back in 2007 and […]

Why You Need To Build Up Your Listings Inventory

Powerfact:  Listing Agents Work Smarter, Not Harder. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP We are in a new real estate reality, and one question that I had an agent comment on recently was about how much work it is to help buyers now, since it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s a sellers market. There are so […]