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Seven MLS Mistakes to STOP

WARNING:  Real Estate Rant Ahead POWERFACT:  The higher your standards, the more referrals you’ll get, the more business you’ll close, and the more relationships you’ll build.  The lower your standards? Is costing you your reputation and that of every other REALTOR®.  Look, I know I’m usually the smile guy. The glass half full guy. […]

Standing Tall as an Agent of Integrity

Your word and reputation are everything in this world. Power Agents serve with integrity! By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP Last month, I had one of our Power Agents® come to me with a dilemma, and I wanted to share it with everyone because it really speaks to a lot of […]

How to Deal with Obstacles When Selling a Home

Powerfact:  Power Agents are Problem-Solvers! By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP As every agent knows, sometimes selling a house doesn’t go exactly as planned. So, what do you do when you have a house that is sitting on the market? Diagnose the Problem First things first, understand the reason for the […]

How To Turn Lost Clients Into A Source Of Referrals

Powerfact:  Sometimes relationship building needs a boost. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP If you are a human being who has had a relationship at some point while on this planet, you have come to realize one vital thing — relationships are complicated. Period. There are times when people, even your […]

Why Being on Top of Your Game Makes the Whole Industry Look Good

Powerfact:  Mistakes don’t just cost you business, they give the whole industry a black eye. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I got an email from someone a little while ago about a property in California — 62 acres for $635,000. I thought, “Wow. This sure got my attention!” When I […]

The Bidding War: The How and Why to Avoid One

Powerfact:  Bidding wars can be exciting — but they can also be bad for business. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s always a good idea to avoid a bidding war when possible, and for several reasons. The quickest and easiest way to do it? Have your clients come into the […]

Magnifying The Positive

To design the life and career worth SMILING about℠,  YOU have to choose what you magnify. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP When I was a kid, my Father had a magnifying glass, and I thought it was a toy. I thought it was the coolest invention ever created, and I […]

Discount Brokers vs Traditional Brokers: Analogies to Explain The Difference to Your Client

Powerfact: Using Metaphors and Analogies help communicate value when you are hit with a discount brokerage objection.  By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP You may have come across some discount brokerages that offer flat fees, which give the homeowner certain bells and whistles, like professional photographs, a spot on the MLS, […]

Enlarge Your Thinking

Powerfact:  Savvy agents consistently take a long look at what belief systems and habits are placing limits on your ability to expand and grow. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP There is something I want each one of you to do this week, and that is to enlarge your thinking. I […]

Finding the Opportunities Amidst Challenges

[…] agent, your spouse, your environment, world events, or even your health — you are being called to take action. What KIND of action, you ask? Answering the class=”searchwp-highlight”>C.A.L.L. There are four ways in which you can respond to a challenge in your life. The acronym is class=”searchwp-highlight”>C.A.L.L. and it stands for Change, Accept, Leave, […]