“Stage Time” is woven into the fabric of everything we do in a day, from calling new leads to sitting down at a listing appointment. It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s all time spent perfecting our craft. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP There’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s an old showbiz term that I love, “Stage time”. I’ve been watching this show called […]
The Realtor’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s Property Resource (RPR) is a tool that can help you find new farm areas, cultivate new business, and build your bottom line. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP When real estate agents think of farm areas, one typically thinks of a neighborhood, or perhaps a niche like veterans or builders. Farm areas that are often missed (or passed […]
Every conversation in real estate is like a dance, and mastering each of these dances is the key to serving our buyers and sellers, and winning the listing even in this competitive market. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis,CSP When my wife April and I got married, we decided to choreograph […]
The “warm fuzzies” you get from smiling aren’t a coincidence, it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s actually your brain following your facial cue! by Darryl Davis “Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.” ~Anonymous~ There is a LOT of power in a smile. […]
In this part of the “Science of Smiling” real estate success series, Darryl why it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s in our DNA to be connected to one another as human beings. I have been talking about the “Science of Smiling” over the last while, and in this article, I’m going to dive into the “O” in D.O.class=”searchwp-highlight”>S.E. If you remember […]
[…] a plethora of science behind a smile, and we are putting Serotonin to work for us by striving for mastery and using our accomplishments to boost our confidence and creativity. I am excited about this series that we have been doing on The Science of Smiling. There is so much power in a smile, and […]
[…] in your tracks because you never thought of this before, then the second you finish reading this, you need to log in to your POWER PROGRAM® dashboard, click on the Power Agent Directory®, fill in your profile (don’t forget the picture!), and start making connections! Start Sending and Receiving Referrals Right now, we have a […]
Creating powerful real estate metaphors and analogies isn’t magic, but with this formula, it might seem like it! These 4 simple ideas can get your creative juices flowing to invent powerful analogies on the spot. We often talk about using metaphors and analogies during listing conversations with potential clients, or when handling objections from homeowners. and I recently came up […]
The Olympics have long been an occasion that brought people together to see the best of the best compete, but it is so much more than that – it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s about a shared passion for their sport. I watched a lot of the Olympics, and I had an epiphany the other day and I wanted […]
Whether it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s a buyers’ market, a sellers’ market, or a balanced market, it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s always a good market for real estate agents, who can help homeowners no matter what the housing market dictates. I often wish I had the ability to look into the future and see what’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s going to happen with this housing market […]
real estate coaching disaster preparedness
Whether homeowners are faced with natural disasters or other devastating issues, being prepared with answers and resources to help them through is one of the many ways we can serve our clients. I happen to know a couple of meteorologists, and one of the few things that I’ve learned about these scientists is that they really […]