Comparative Market Analysis doesn’t sound very exciting, and the last thing you want during your Listing conversation is for your clients to glaze over in boredom. These tips will ensure that doesn’t happen. One of the best tools a real estate agent has in their Listing Appointment toolbox is the Comparative Market Analysis (CMA). In the last […]
POWERFACT: Smiling is crucial to our well-being. Each smile triggers the release of what I’ll call the four “feel-good chemicals” (I remember them with the acronym D.O.class=”searchwp-highlight”>S.E.®): Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin. These are released from the limbic system, an ancient part of our brain that is responsible for emotion, motivation and many instinctive responses. […]
Serving really means fighting for your clients’ best interest, and that means they need to hire you! It can be easy to sometimes feel like it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s “ALL serving, no selling”. One of my Power Agents® came to me this week feeling a frustrated. She had been talking with a FSBO, who seemed open to the idea of using an […]
Real estate agents get into this industry because they love people, and look for opportunities to serve. One way to accomplish this is with a charity, and this article outlines some ways you can get involved. As many of you may already know, we here at Power Headquarters are often involved in helping raise money […]
[…] TO: *Use 12 prospecting strategies to generate income NOW! *Stay focused on top producer activities that keep you on track for your goals! *ABSOLUTELY LOVE being in real estate again! * Continuously build your pipeline for financial stability! *Never worry again about where to find your next deal *Make more than you can possibly handle or want to! Download your […]
Powerfact: The best way to consistently produce AND design a life and career worth smiling about is to be a continuous learner. A big thank you to everyone who joined us for the webinar! We had a blast sharing strategies and tools with you and hope you took at LEAST one strategy from each […]
[…] one of the best sources of NOW BUSINESS for agents. Learn to master the skills it takes to land the appointments and take the listings, and you could easily add 5-20 additional transactions per year to your bottom line. A big thank you to everyone who joined us for the webinar! We had a […]
In today’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s real estate industry, agents need to hone critical thinking skills, especially when it comes to “rules,” “laws,” and “norms.” In our business, success is often hampered by misinformation, and real estate agents’ livelihoods may depend on their ability to challenge authority, rules, and opinions that hinder business growth. However, it is essential […]
[…] TO: *Use 12 prospecting strategies to generate income NOW! *Stay focused on top producer activities that keep you on track for your goals! *ABSOLUTELY LOVE being in real estate again! * Continuously build your pipeline for financial stability! *Never worry again about where to find your next deal *Make more than you can possibly handle or want to! Download your […]