[…] techniques Thank you for joining us! Here’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s what we know — when you have the right tools, training, and techniques to make your open houses spectacular — you can better convert them into both sales and new listings every time! Remember, now is the perfect time to try the Power Program at no cost for […]
[…] and Association Affiliate Program Working Together to Help Agents Succeed and Associations Thrive Helping your members thrive and delivering to them the highest quality training, tools, and coaching is something your organization and mine have in common. Many associations are eager to find new ways to both increase their membership, retention, and revenue. Introducing the Darryl […]
Board and Association Affiliate Program Working Together to Help Agents Succeed and Associations Thrive Helping your members thrive by delivering them the highest quality training, tools, and coaching is something your organization and mine have in common. We also understand that many associations are eager to find new ways to increase their membership, retention, and revenue. […]
Being a real estate professional includes coaching your clients. One way to present yourself as a class=”searchwp-highlight”>coach and market resource is to educate through a blog. What is real estate blogging anyways? Real estate blogging is pretty much just what it sounds like — blogging about all things real estate! This can cover topics […]
Ever ask yourself what kind of real estate WINS or RESULTS you would get from being in a real estate coaching program? We are here to share! Every Monday, one of the best real estate coaches in the business, Darryl Davis, kicks off the week for thousands of POWER AGENTS® with a WIN-PARTY! An […]
Our Monday Mindset Coaching Call with the one and only – Darryl Davis is a surefire way to start the week off ready to win! We begin each call with a “WIN PARTY”, where our coaching members, who we fondly refer to as POWER AGENTS®, share their real estate wins from the previous week […]
Keeping up with the constantly shifting market has many agents floundering. Before you tear your hair out with frustration, check out the three mindset makeovers you need to keep up and stay competitive. The real estate industry has survived more changes in the last few years than anytime we can remember in recent history […]
Come for the Real Estate Coaching – Stay for the Weekly WINS. One of the biggest perks of The Power Program® is the weekly coaching call with Darryl Davis. He starts off every Monday with a “Win Party”, giving everyone an opportunity to share their real estate successes from last week while also […]
Welcome ! Are you ready to have a POWERFUL day? April’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s Coaching Call Schedule: Click Here Calendar of Training Events Learn the latest Next Level strategies and solutions for agents. Calendar of Training Events Learn the latest Next Level strategies and solutions for agents. Classroom Unlock hundreds of Power Agent® results-producing training tools. Classroom […]
real estate coaching– best real estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>coach darryl davsi
One of the best ways to build trust and rapport with clients is through the use of metaphors and analogies. Toss the scripts and read more to learn why. If you have been a POWER AGENT® for a little while, you will have heard us talk about using metaphors and analogies while talking to […]
We love bringing you live coaching every month. It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s powerful and insightful to hear your questions and help agents in real time. If you missed January’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s – feel free to watch it here on demand. Our Power Coaching Hour with Darryl Davis happens every month. Mark your calendar for our next live coaching call! You […]