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Cultivating Kindness in Leadership: A Universal Impact
With the rise in global population comes the rise in the need for kindness. With each simple act of kindness, we make the world just a little better. According to the United Nations, the global population has recently surpassed 8 billion people, emphasizing the magnitude of our shared human experience. While headlines often portray […]
real estate coaching blog headers (1)
real estate coaching tough times
summer prospecting strategies for real estate agents
summer prospecting strategies for real estate agents
July 17 Coaching Call
real estate coaching walt disney and perseverance
Visionary Real Estate Leadership and Inspiring Teams to Yearn for the Vast Horizon
[…] goals; it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s about instilling a deep desire to succeed, not just personally, but as a whole group. In leadership, the ability to inspire and motivate teams is crucial for success. Antoine de Saint-Exupery‘class=”searchwp-highlight”>s timeless wisdom beautifully encapsulates this sentiment: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, […]
Visionary Real Estate Leadership and Inspiring Teams to Yearn for the Vast Horizon
Visionary Real Estate Leadership and Inspiring Teams to Yearn for the Vast Horizon
Maximizing Your Real Estate Impact by Contributing to the Team
[…] being part of a team has its perks. Here are some tips on how to be a great team member. Real estate success relies on two things: collaboration and integrity. Of course, there are other skills like negotiation, marketing prowess, and active listening that can make you an excellent agent, but at the end […]
real estate coaching time management
real estate coaching time management
real estate question of the week – too busy
real estate question of the week – too busy