We love bringing you live coaching every month. It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s powerful and insightful to hear your questions and help agents in real time. If you missed February’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s – feel free to watch it here on demand. Our Power Coaching Hour with Darryl Davis happens every month. Mark your calendar for our next live coaching call! You […]
Join Darryl for his June Power Hour Coaching Call for Power Agents. In this powerful session, Darryl shared big changes in the Power Agent Program and helped agents learn how to find now business, how to overcome objections, how to handle losing a listing with grace — that actually can get you referrals, and […]
Powerfact: Weekly coaching calls are helping agents improve their skills, land more listings, and design lives worth SMILING about. Thank you to everyone who joined us for today’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s call! We loved the questions, the suggestions, and the amazing interaction! In this week’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s call, Darryl and fellow Power Agents share some strategies such as: Improving audio […]
Ready to put some SIZZLE into your summer prospecting? These real estate coaching tips can help! Prospecting in summer might feel awkward, but it doesn’t have to be! We are often asked how to weave prospecting into summer plans. Our recommendation? Get some Vitamin D by heading out to your neighborhood farm for some […]
Big thanks to our Power Agent Marty Sorrentino who kindly stepped up to the plate for last week’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s coaching call. In the whole world there are maybe five people I would trust to deliver my coaching and training to our members, and Marty is one of them. A 38-year (and counting) veteran in the […]
As we’re coaching agents to use new technologies and spearhead new strategies — and yes, manage the stress of our New Real Estate Reality – I was reminded of the story of a girl who’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s life lesson was based on an analogy of an egg, carrot, and a coffee bean. How we handle adversity […]
Powerfact: “The Mother Test” can bring clarity to just about any situation. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP In my real estate coaching career, I have often advised real estate agents about the multiple listing scenario, and how to get your offer put to the top of the pile without wasting time. You ask your […]
Getting to your Next Level® in real estate doesn’t happen by accident. It takes commitment. What do I mean by Next Level® in real estate? I mean consciously and purposefully committing to designing a life and career worth smiling about. One that includes balance and joy as much as bottom-line profits and a bigger referral […]
[…] you expect a bidding war and don’t get one, approaching the buyers with the low offers takes preparation, honestly, and a healthy dose of finesse. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP The housing market is still consistently hot throughout the US, and still in favor of the sellers. Stories from all over the […]
When a buyer decides to buy a home, there are 3 phases they work through, each one unique and requiring different coaching. This article covers how you can class=”searchwp-highlight”>coach these buyers successfully through the whole transaction. Whether you are a new real estate agent, or a veteran in the industry, learning to gauge what kind of buyers your […]
Don’t let competitive real estate markets make you stressed – remember – when the going gets tough, the tough get strategic! Staying on track for your real estate goals in a changing, and sometimes challenging market can feel overwhelming at times, we know. That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s why we work hard to ensure that agents have all […]
Darryl Davis Events To get the Monday Coaching Call information: Head to the Coaching Calls Tab To see where Darryl will be next: www.KickOffSeminar.com To learn about our next monthly webinar: www.PowerAgentWebinar.com What is the Power Program®? The POWER Program® is about you. It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s about bringing your skills and abilities to a […]