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Buyer’s Agent or Listing Agent? Should You Choose?

[…] If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”  We are surrounded by choices, expectations, and uncertainty. We look at what others are doing and what others say we SHOULD be doing, but what do we do when those “shoulds” […]

How to Create Real Estate Commission Policies To Feel Empowered, Not Devalued 

As real estate markets continue to shift, your policies and practices need to shift to ensure you feel valued and can communicate that value. Let me set the scene for you: the markets are shifting, and some places are experiencing a much greater shift than others. The high-interest rates on mortgages and the rising […]

Integrity is About Conforming Your Reality Around Your Words

[…] your price” or “not bending the rules.” But integrity isn’t about following the status quo—it’s about doing what’s right, even when no one is looking.   Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, said, “Honesty is telling the truth–in other words, conforming our words to reality. Integrity is conforming […]

How do I build relationships and loyalty?  

In today’s world, particularly in our human connectioncentric industry, agents need to build trust, cultivate loyalty, and stay top of mind to stay ahead. We get asked a lot from agents on our coaching calls how they can stand out from their competition and create stronger referral-generating relationships. Here are a few thoughts for […]

Not a Buyer’s Market. Not a Sellers Market. It’s a W.O.R.K. Market!

NOW is the time for agents to work harder, smarter, and more strategically than ever.  There’s a lot of chatter out there calling our current market “dismal”,  “impossible”,  and “challenged”.   “There’s no listings!”  In other words, there is a lot of “sky is falling” talk. It’s true that the market has gotten even more challenging since […]

Question of the week: How do I stay up-to-date on market trends and changes?

As a real estate agent in today’s constantly changing market, keeping up with market trends and changes is crucial to your success. Here are some foolproof tips to stay informed and ahead of the game:  1. Industry Publications: Subscribing to industry-specific publications and blogs can provide you with a wealth of knowledge. HousingWire, Realtor […]

Coaching Calls

Prospecting is NOT a bad word! In fact, it’s a great word and habit to adopt if you want not just NOW business, but to build a referral base that will…

23/05/15 Coaching Call

Topics From The Call: • Welcome new members • Power of being present • How to be more productive • Why you should be on this week’s webinar about failing • Wins of the Week • Listings for the win • Using the new legal guide for FSBOs • Joining or growing a POWER […]

23/04/24 Coaching Call

Topics From The Call: • Welcome new members • Wins of the week • Market update insights • Trying the “I love it when” exercise • Improving your happiness baseline • Webinars this week – invite a friend • Inner circle invitation • Health insurance surveyShould you do an open house for […]

23/04/17 Coaching Call

Topics From The Call: • Welcome new members • Wins of the week • Cole Directory and REDX – choosing what is best for you • Slybroadcast webinar tomorrow – don’t miss • Health insurance survey • Friction/challenges make us sharper and stronger • Marketing a new open house for an AirBNB property • […]

23/03/27 Coaching Call

Topics From The Call: • Welcome new members • Wins of the week • Member shout outs • Don’t miss this week’s webinar • Buyer love letter thoughts • What to do when inspection sidelines your deal • When a former client wants to relist with another agent • What to do when a […]

23/02/27 Coaching Call

Topics From The Call: • Welcome new members • Wins of the week • Don’t miss this week’s webinars • Next Level Event announcement • Navigating how listings show up differently on various sitesCan you prospect a withdrawn property owner • Expired letters • How to respond when homeowners ask you how […]