[…] journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” What does it take to achieve your class=”searchwp-highlight”>real class=”searchwp-highlight”>estate goals? Let’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s start with five class=”searchwp-highlight”>C’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s to make it easy to remember! ONE: CLARITY Ever hear that saying, “it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s hard to hit a moving target”? It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s truer today than it has ever […]
One-On-One Coaching with class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl class=”searchwp-highlight”>Davis class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl only has FIVE personal coaching members at a time. Bottom line? You get a DIRECT LINE to class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl. No set homework assignments. No lengthy contract or rules. No call in at a certain time or miss your slot for the month. Why? That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s just not how class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl has […]
Coaching Why join the power program? The POWER Program® is about you. When you have the right tools, training, coaching, and mindset — there’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s nothing you can’t accomplish. As a Power Agent, you’ll have access to everything you need to thrive in any market, and design a life and career worth smiling about. […]
Ever wonder how a weekly class=”searchwp-highlight”>real class=”searchwp-highlight”>estate coaching call can equal a weekly WIN for your business? You don’t have to wonder anymore! Our Monday Mindset Call with the one and only – class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl class=”searchwp-highlight”>Davis, starts each week with a WIN-PARTY! Where agents share their class=”searchwp-highlight”>real class=”searchwp-highlight”>estate wins from the previous week and how […]
Recent legal developments have upended long-standing industry practices and created uncertainty about the future. These are unsettled times for class=”searchwp-highlight”>real class=”searchwp-highlight”>estate professionals. While change is inevitable, the current environment in the wake of the NAR Lawsuit may feel a little defeating and a lot like being lost in the dark. How can you find […]
One-On-One Coaching with class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl class=”searchwp-highlight”>Davis Bottom line?You get a DIRECT LINE to class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl. No set homework assignments. No lengthy contract or rules. No call in at a certain time or miss your slot for the month. Why? That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s just not how class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl has found he is best able to help agents get to the […]
One-On-One Coaching with class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl class=”searchwp-highlight”>Davis Bottom line?You get a DIRECT LINE to class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl. No set homework assignments. No lengthy contract or rules. No call in at a certain time or miss your slot for the month. Why? That’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s just not how class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl has found he is best able to help agents get to the […]
Power Agent® Coaching Call Question Submit your question for the next Coaching Call! Get to the “front of the line” and submit your question using the convenient web form below! Please note: Questions asked here on the day of the call will not be answered. They will need to ask in person during the […]
Wondering if class=”searchwp-highlight”>real class=”searchwp-highlight”>estate coaching can add some wins to your week – look no further! Our Monday Mindset Call with class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl class=”searchwp-highlight”>Davis is always a great way to start the week! We start each call off with a “WIN PARTY”, where our coaching members, who we fondly refer to as POWER AGENTS®, share […]
POWERFACT: The more masterful you are at the listing conversation, the more confident you’ll be to prospect, the more listings you’ll land, and the more bottom-line growth you’ll enjoy. Now some of these should be obvious, but nothing surprises us anymore – right? So, let’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s dive in. Don’t come unprepared. Every agent I class=”searchwp-highlight”>coach, […]
Insecurity can get the best of any agent, but when we focus on being authentic, it allows us to commit to serving, not selling. By class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl class=”searchwp-highlight”>Davis, CSP When I started class=”searchwp-highlight”>real class=”searchwp-highlight”>estate, I was 19 years old. When my dad passed away, I was 14, and due to a bad relationship with my mother, I became an […]
The link between class=”searchwp-highlight”>real class=”searchwp-highlight”>estate coaching and weekly wins and class=”searchwp-highlight”>real class=”searchwp-highlight”>estate success stories is class=”searchwp-highlight”>REAL. Our Monday Mindset Call with class=”searchwp-highlight”>Darryl class=”searchwp-highlight”>Davis is always a great way to start the week! We start each call off with a “WIN PARTY”, where our coaching members, who we fondly refer to as POWER AGENTS®, share […]