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How Our Differences Define Our Humanity

Powerfact: As human beings, there is more that can bring us together than divide us if we choose to seek those things out. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I’ve always been a fan of Aesop’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s Fables, and I just finished the story of Androcles and the Lion. In case you […]

Don’t Just Do The Action, Become The Action

We are called human beings, not human doings for a reason! By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I had a Power Agent® tell me once, both excited and a little nervous, that he had exceeded the goals he had set, which was thrilling, but he was also filled him with doubt. […]

Approaching the Price Adjustment Conversation Without Stress

POWERFACT: The price adjustment conversation can be a source of stress for many real estate agents, but it doesn’t have to be. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP So, what do you do when you have a listing that’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s been on the market for a while? Making Promises You Can’t Keep […]

Why A Wrong Number Isn’t Really A Wrong Number

Powerfact: Prospecting Calls Are ALL opportunities for breakthroughs in your skill and development! By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I had one of our Power Agents® ask me how to respond to FSBO’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s and Expireds who, when called by the agent, said, “Sorry, you have the wrong number.” She would get […]

Fall In Love With Your Choices

Take on your choices with conviction and commitment. Once you do, your life will never be the same.  By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I have been a fan of Walt Disney for a long time. Not the kind of fan who has Walt’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s face tattooed on myself of anything, but […]

Being Versus Doing

There is a big difference between “being” and “doing.” We go through life and through our business and balancing both can become stressful. When we start off our day off by waking up to a To-Do list, it can feel draining rather than inspiring! Being vs Doing So, what exactly is “being”? Here’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s a […]

We Love RPR and Why You Should Too

[…] your NAR Membership – and it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s one of the best tools in the business! by Julie Escobar Wow. We love RPR®. So much so that it usually comes up at least once in every coaching call and webinar. It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s a tremendous tool for agents and one that for some reason seems like one of […]

How to Hire and Train a Real Estate Assistant

When it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s time to hire an assistant, be sure you are delegating the RIGHT work. By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP One of the biggest mistakes that agents make when they want to hire a real estate assistant is that the first and most important thing (they think) that they want […]

How To Gain Confidence as a New Real Estate Agent 

Powerfact:  Commit to learning and mastering the skills you need. Then you will gain the confidence you need to win over potential clients during the listing conversation.  By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP The real estate industry has seen an influx of new agents over the last year, and as one of our Power Agents® stated this week, she […]

The Importance of Life Balance for Real Estate Success 

Life balance includes both yin and yang. You need to have the failures to truly appreciate the wins.  It can be disappointing to lose out on a listing that you were SURE was in the bag, and it might be tempting to call them and ask what you did wrong, or ask why they […]

Making the Real Estate Buyer Agency Agreement a MUST

Stop asking, “Should I have a Real Estate Buyer Agency Agreement with every buyer?” The answer is YES.  By Real Estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP  You’ve all heard me mention (often!) the importance of having a Buyer Agency Agreement. It comes up on almost every coaching call, and it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s my strong recommendation that all agents have […]