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How to Be a Good Real Estate Agent: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Fables are life lessons wrapped in a story, the tortoise and the hare included. What can a real estate agent learn from them? Be steady and consistent! We all know the story about the tortoise and the hare. They decide to have a race, and the hare takes off like a rocket and quickly gains […]

18 Apps and Links for Real Estate Agents

[…] Thanks to our Power Agents® for sharing some of their favorite apps and links for real estate in our Brainstorming Sessions! We love it when our members come together for a brainstorming session. So much so, that we are incorporating these incredible mastermind sessions once a month starting this year. There’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s just an exceptional […]

Direct Mail Marketing: How to Promote Yourself In Real Estate

[…] and direct mail marketing is one of the best ways to promote yourself to your farm area! Think about the last time you received some junk mail.  Chances are, it was pretty easy to throw away, wasn’t it? But what if that piece of mail was actually something useful – like a flyer announcing […]

Real Estate Professional vs Hobbyist: Which One Are You?

[…] questions – are you a real estate professional or a real estate hobbyist? I recently had a POWER AGENT® ask me a question during our Mindset Monday Coaching Call. She wondered why her friends and their referrals have all been hiring other real estate agents, someone they didn’t even know, rather than her. She […]

POWER AGENT® Success Story: From Scarcity to Abundance

[…] team at Power Headquarters is hearing about our members’ successes using the tools and skills they’ve learned! Some agents might still struggle to find their footing. It can be discouraging and lonely, so we want to show you a real example of success among our POWER AGENTS®. To show how success is possible, especially […]

Don’t Let Your Business Plan Be Dictated By The Headlines

As a real estate class=”searchwp-highlight”>coach, I’m seeing and hearing a lot of fear in agents because they are reacting to the “sky is falling” headline news. Over the last several months, the interest rates began to rise. If you look back to where they were in October and compare that to yesterday, they have […]

What a Successful Daily Schedule For A Real Estate Agent Looks Like

“How do I keep from burning out?”, “How do I find more balance?” Sound familiar? Let’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s dive into time management that can help you smile more and stress less. Being a real estate agent can feel like a 24/7 undertaking, especially now. We get it. We’ve been there. There are easy changes that you […]