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Anatomy of a Successful Real Estate Agent

POWERFACT:  Oversaturated markets give consumers an abundance of options, but make it difficult for brands and vendors to stand out. by Guest Blogger by Paulina Pestryakov Oversaturated markets give consumers an abundance of options, but make it difficult for brands and vendors to stand out. With so many choices in a competitive playing field, real estate […]

5 Agent Essentials to Having a Great Morning

Powerfact: You can feel better about your day when you start it out right. by Guest Blogger by Paulina Pestryakov Here Are Five Essentials That Will Make for a Great Morning 1. Make your bed. It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s surprising that something so simple can make such a big impact on your day. Research by Charles Duhigg in his book […]

You’ve Got a CRM, Now What?

Powerfact: A CRM is the hub of your professional business. by Guest Blogger by Paulina Pestryakov You’ve heard it from your colleagues, other fellow real estate agents and even we have preached about it time and time again; a real estate-focused CRM is key to taking that next step in growing your real estate business. But […]

The Evolution of Real Estate Photography Tips

Powerfact: Sometimes Google ISN’T the best way to get answers. Special Guest Blog from our Friends at BoxBrownie. com Keeping Up With The Times It can be difficult to keep up to speed with the speed of technology. Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of real estate photography.  In this […]

5 Reasons for NOT Using a CRM Debunked

Powerfact:   To succeed and compete effectively in the age of change — a CRM is a must-have tool. by Guest Blogger Paulina Pestryakov As a real estate agent, you are frequently juggling multiple priorities at once. This can often lead to things falling through the cracks though, with disorganized contacts, no keep in touch […]

Why Virtual Tours Are a Must Have Marketing Tool for 2021

Powerfact:  Smart technology tools are the way to differentiate yourself in a hot, competitive market. By Guest Blogger Virtual Tours are a Must-Have for 2021 In December 2019, when real estate professionals put together their marketing plans for 2020, it was pretty much business as usual. However, as the entire planet soon discovered, […]

Why Staying in Touch Matters

It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s not up to your clients to remember you, it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s up to you to maintain the connection. According to a study by National Association of REALTORS©, the average home buyer plans to stay in their home for at least 10 years – a fact most real estate agents are painfully aware of. This fact […]

3 Killer Tools to Pre-Sell Your Listings

Powerfact:  Selling the intangible has been a challenge for as long as real estate has been a business. How to make clients see what doesn’t exist, but can, and will. Selling a property before it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s been built is now attainable, realistic, and well within your reach. Tools for Pre-Sale Success Selling the intangible has […]

How to Leverage Social Media as a Real Estate Agent

There are some specific ways your real estate business could be bolstered by social media, and they are simpler than you might think. So you have your social media accounts set up and you try to post content on a somewhat regular basis. But are you really getting any benefit from your social media […]

The Selling Power of Floor Plans

POWERFACT: One of the most sought after listing tools for capturing more attention for your listings in today’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s market:  Floor Plans. by With all of the flashy real estate marketing tools available today, the good old floor plan can be overlooked. This might be a mistake. Research shows that real estate floor plans […]