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I Have a “Friend in the Business” Objection

“I have a friend in the business” is a common expression from buyers and sellers you hope will become clients, but explaining why that’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s not ideal too often falls on deaf ears.  One of the common excuses buyers and sellers give when they hesitate to meet with you is the old, “I have a friend in the business” trick. One of our […]

Top Ten Tips For Making Your Next Open House the Talk of the Town 

Open Houses can be a real estate agent’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s best friend…when they’re done right! We have 10 tips for hosting an open house to get the listing sold, and get you a long list of leads!  Open houses are one of the most useful tools in the savvy real estate agent’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s toolbox. Not only is it a […]

How Getting Up Early Can Revitalize Your Business 

[…] learned “early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise.” It’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s as true now as it was then, and getting up 30 minutes earlier than your competition can prove it.  My son, Michael, shared something with me recently. He’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s in phone sales helping businesses get loans. His manager had shared something with Michael’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s team that was […]

Extra Mile Real Estate Marketing

Going The Extra Mile: Using Flash Drives and QR Codes for Your Next Open House  I was at an open house recently, and I had this great idea to use my phone to record my own version of a virtual tour. I like to watch them again when I get home, or later in the evening to refresh […]

Setting Yourself Apart with Unique Analogies 

Connecting with FSBO’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s can be a challenge, but mastering metaphors and applying analogies tailored to the individual shows the homeowner that you are ready to serve and connect with them as human beings.  I got a message from one of my Power Agents® recently, and she told me about a conversation she had with a FSBO not long […]

How to Digitally Farm Using Facebook Community Pages

Becoming an influencer and contributor on the community Facebook page of your farm area is smart marketing and a good neighbor quality! One powerful way to stay connected with the folks in your neighborhood farm is to become a frequent contributor on the community Facebook page for your farming area. These community pages are […]

Working With Homeowners in Pre-Foreclosure 

Homeowners who find themselves defaulting on their mortgage payments need your help. This article explains how you can help turn these pre-foreclosures into listings.  During a recent conversation with one of my Power Agents®, I was reminded of a little-known tip that I wanted to share. This agent had mentioned the noticeable increase in mortgage defaults in the […]

12 Top Agent Tips For Hosting Open Houses

[…] of the hottest tips for making open houses one of your best sources to gain new listings.  TIP: For additional ideas on preparing for the Open House, check out this article by The Balance.   1. Your Open House is Your Audition  Buyers, sellers, neighbors, and everyone in between are coming to watch you, and you […]

Keeping the “Social” in Social Media 

We all know that we should use social media to market ourselves to potential clients, but when social media is more like marketing media, it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s time to remember it’class=”searchwp-highlight”>s about connecting as humans.  Social media — whether you love it or loath it, this platform remains one of the best methods for real estate agents to engage with their clients, […]

How Resentment Poisons Your Enthusiasm 

When things don’t work out the way you hoped, resentment can build. This can affect our daily life in unexpected ways, which is why learning to let go is the key to happiness.  One thing that I don’t touch on very often in my motivational mindset articles is dealing with resentments, and why we need to let go of […]