Protected: Protected: 2019 Inventory Intensive Bundle
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Darryl is a Keynote Speaker, Author, Business Coach, and Comedian. That’s a lot of hats. If you had to sum it all up though? There’s one thing that Darryl is overwhelmingly passionate about. That’s helping people design lives and careers worth SMILING about. So much so — it’s the foundation for the mission and vision for our entire organization. […]
I literally want agents to have more fun working with fewer buyers, while making more sales. Listen, I WAS you. I remember what it was like to take buyers out, and the frustration of showing them house after house and them not making a purchase, or (worse) purchasing from somebody else.
vision board for realtors
Powerfact: Top producers COACH, not CLOSE. The priority when meeting with a customer or client is to build trust, connection, and a relationship. This week, I wanted to share with you part two of our conversation about how to have more successful face-to-face presentations. I shared part one recently, which was all about the “R” part […]
POWERFACT: If you can get sellers to the kitchen table, and follow the R.E.A.L. Listing Conversation steps — you are more likely to leave with the listing.
POWERFACT: Using metaphors and analogies helps you connect on a higher level when in a Listing Conversation. Listen, I LOVE technology. I’ve got an app for almost everything. But here’s what I know – sometimes we can technology ourselves right out of a listing. Sometimes, going “old school” with a printed LIST — allows you […]
Buyers will buy the best house for the money. Period. So, find the best homes for the dollar in your market to share.
Prospecting can become frustrating, especially when the leads you get don’t lead you anywhere. Don’t let your frustration sabotage your work, but consider branching out into other sources.
The housing market has always been fluid, shifting over the years between buyers’ markets and sellers’ markets. One valuable tidbit worth sharing during conversations is answering the question, “How many months of inventory are there right now?”
Building Listing Inventory To stay ahead in this business, it’s not just LISTINGS that are the name of the game — it’s LISTING INVENTORY that will allow you to take your business to the NEXT LEVEL, have more financial security, and design a life and career worth smiling about! Here are some powerful tools to […]