Search Results for: dot board/real-estate-coach-darryl-davis


iBuyer iBuyer BEWARE. The problem: Report after report, tells us the iBuyer wave is not slowing down any time soon. That means lost listings for agents and lost equity for homeowners because of heavily marketed misinformation, and in many cases, complete untruths.  The iBuyer wave is hurting REALTORS®, consumers, and our industry. There will always […]


Testimonials Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus eu diam pellentesque elementum. Morbi et facilisis diam. Mauris consectetur urna vel enim dapibus viverra. In laoreet eros vitae ante varius lobortis. Pellentesque quis elementum sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer elementum nunc eget ligula eleifend, sit amet […]

Scary Times

The truth is the person I learned to count on was really just me, and while that served its purpose at the time, it definitely affected every future adult relationship that I was destined to have. I made it through though.   I worked before and after school, wherever I could find a job. Stocking […]