Search Results for: dot board/real-estate-coach-darryl-davis
Wise Agent
“Wise Agent is an intuitive client-influenced CRM and Real Estate software company. Built and loved by agents all over the US, it’s no wonder why they’re the most coach-recommended CRM in the industry. Wise Agent helps Realtor’s become Pros by automating their leads, responses, appointments, and transactions -with free training and 24/7 Customer […]
One Thing Per Day…
POWERFACT: Agents that block time each day to work ON their business, not just IN their business succeed at a much higher level. These are busy times, I get it. I also get how many agents get so busy being busy and working in their business, they lose sight of the big picture that they […]
Accept the Gifts
POWERFACT: When the universe sends you a gift — your job is to accept it! I’m one of those guys that look for the signs and the lessons in my everyday life. It sure makes things more interesting when you do. As we head into our Thanksgiving Week, I wanted to share a story with […]
Focus and Finish Lines
POWERFACT: What you FOCUS on can either empower or dis-empower you. The awesome thing is — we get to choose what gets our attention! Some of you may already know that I ran the New York City Marathon. This was no easy feat for a man like me. I’m not into sports, in case you […]
Price Those Listings Right!
POWERFACT: Step one in getting your listing sold quickly and with fewer headaches — PRICE IT RIGHT! Our market will always be in a state of change. On recent coaching calls, we’ve had agents struggling to get any traction on stalled listings. In case you missed it, here are 8 great ways to jumpstart a […]
How Often Should You Prospect?
POWERFACT: Prospecting is the lifeblood of your business — all year round! I’m often asked, “How often should I prospect?” Most of the time I recommend that my audience and coaching members set aside three days a week for at least an hour each day. However, that doesn’t always work for every agent. As we […]
Be the Calm In the Storm
There’s a lot of distractions right now in our world, and a whole lot of fear which has a whole lot of people feeling uneasy. About their health. Their finances. Their investments. Our country. Their families. And their home values.
#1 Prospecting Call Commitment
POWERFACT: When you’re on a prospecting call – focus on THEM.
8 Quick Take-Aways From Our Curbio Webinar
Powerfact: Business partnerships and smart applications can help you stand out from the competition.
How Getting Up Early Can Revitalize Your Business
In elementary school, we learned “early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise.” It’s as true now as it was then, and getting up 30 minutes earlier than your competition can prove it.