Search Results for: dot board/real-estate-coach-darryl-davis
Holiday – June – Father’s Day 3
Holiday – June – Father’s Day 4
Holiday – June – Father’s Day 5
21/06/17 – Increase Your Online Real Estate Leads with LinkedIn
Head here to get Jennifer’s free gift! Want to connect with Jennifer Darling on LinkedIn? Head here! Jennifer Darling can be reached by email at
21/06/30 – What To Do Now that Zillow is a Competing Brokerage
21/09/30 – Risk Management for REALTORS
Download Roberts’ Slides Here. Interested in getting in touch with Robert? Email: Telephone: 516-799-6900
A mentor and a friend
On my own from such a young age, I had no role models or trusted adults to help guide me. Then I met Mac Levitt, who became my broker. Mac and his wife, Pat, took me under their wings and taught me much of what I now know about not just being a successful […]
Helping Others Helps You
I am truly now living my dream job. I get to fly all over the world helping people have more fun and less stress in their lives, and teaching them how to design a life worth smiling about. I do this by being a professional speaker, trainer, author and motivator. I work for organizations […]
The Power Program
I am truly now living my dream job. I get to fly all over the world helping people have more fun and less stress in their lives, and teaching them how to design a life worth smiling about. I do this by being a professional speaker, trainer, author and motivator. I work for organizations and […]