Darryl’s Story Bestselling Author How to Become a Power Agent in Real Estate with McGraw-Hill Publishers is the most purchased real estate book on Amazon. Why? Because it is the ultimate guide to listing and selling, lead generation, and how to double your income as an agent in just twelve months. How to Make $100,000 […]
Want to create a real estate blog to build your brand and share information with your sphere and farm using AI? Here’s what you need to know!
When the going gets tough, the tough get going – or so they say.
Real estate leaders can embrace Samhain-inspired principles of reflection, resilience, and growth to guide their teams through market transitions with strength.
Passion fuels success in real estate—when you love what you do, you lead with confidence, build stronger relationships, and create a lasting impact.
Delegation empowers leaders to focus on growth while leveraging team strengths—real estate success thrives on collaboration and shared responsibility.
The iBuyer process is simple, quick, and easy-looking…on the OUTSIDE. In reality, ignorance of how iBuyer companies work can cost you dearly. This article discusses fiduciary duty and the conflict of interest that can affect the sale of your home to iBuyers.
Jocko Willink, former US SEAL and leadership expert, shares proven strategies on how real estate leaders can forge a solid and powerful team.
We’ve arrived in a new era of real estate. It’s unclear what changes will come, but we can be certain that the old ways of doing things are going to change.
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As a real estate professional, your role goes beyond helping people buy and sell homes; you’re a vital part of the community. Getting involved in local activities not only helps you build relationships, but also establishes your brand as one that cares about the community’s well-being and is ready to serve.
Ever wonder how a weekly coaching call can help YOU move the needle and create big real estate WINS? We’re here to share! On every Monday Mindset Call with one of the best real estate coaches in the business, Darryl Davis, we start the morning by having a WIN-PARTY! Where agents share their real estate wins from the […]