Search Results for: dot board/workshops

Board Webinar – Thank You

As a POWER AGENT®, you should have us flagged as safe-senders, but if you don’t see your confirmation email, please do take a peek in your junk folder! If it’s hiding in there – mark us as “not spam” and save the link! Don’t worry, we’ll be in touch before the webinar with a text […]

The Simple Daily Activity That Will Drive Your Business Forward

[…] it. Even if you make yourself a chart for each day with two columns labeled “Buyer” and “Seller,” that’s a great start.  Then you can put a dot or checkmark in the correct column after every conversation you have with someone about real estate. Even if you only have ONE dot, you are still […]

What Discount Brokers Won’t Do for Sellers 

[…] for homeowners to sell their home, there are many details that tend to be glossed over that you need to be aware of before signing on the dotted line.   As the old adage states, “You get what you pay for.” With the discounted rates of these brokerages, the homeowner is unfortunately sacrificing something in exchange (whether they realize it […]


Testimonials Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus eu diam pellentesque elementum. Morbi et facilisis diam. Mauris consectetur urna vel enim dapibus viverra. In laoreet eros vitae ante varius lobortis. Pellentesque quis elementum sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer elementum nunc eget ligula eleifend, sit amet […]

About Darryl

About Darryl Davis, CSP Darryl Davis Darryl entertains and educates audiences all over the globe with humor, heart, and the kind of real-world , rock-solid skills agents need to thrive in today’s market. Agents will learn — how to build a strong inventory, develop their business like a business, negotiate like a pro, overcome objections, […]

Darryl’s Story

Darryl’s Story Bestselling Author How to Become a Power Agent in Real Estate with McGraw-Hill Publishers is the most purchased real estate book on Amazon. Why? Because it is the ultimate guide to listing and selling, lead generation, and how to double your income as an agent in just twelve months. How to Make $100,000 […]

Join Our Team

Since 1993, Darryl Davis Seminars, Inc. has been offering empowering live workshops, webinars, skill training, motivational coaching, and market-ready tools to help real estate professionals increase their business with less stress and more fun. Our team continues to attract the attention and business of agents across North America and Canada who are looking for more […]