[…] us all look great! Power Agent Pro Tip: Power Agents, head to the Servicing Sellers tab of your Classroom to get this two-page listing checklist to ensure that all your i’s are dotted, t’s crossed, and you’re putting your best foot forward for your clients and our industry! Get the Darryl Davis Newsletter!
[…] see the escalation clause when the agent presents the offer and before you even go into contract, which means your sellers have to consider this option before signing on the dotted line. Be warned, though. There are also a lot of states that still permit a homeowner to consider other offers even when they are under contract, right up until closing. In a […]
[…] commit.” This keeps them from signing the Buyer Agency Agreement, and puts you in an awkward position. No matter which of these attitudes are keeping your customers from signing on the dotted line, it stems from the fact that they don’t see the value in hiring you as their agent. Where’s the Value In Committing? The best answer for this problem is simple: They want you […]
[…] locked into contract to pull a bait and switch. They look for every possible reason to take money away from their offer, and by waiting until after sellers have already signed on the dotted line, the seller is bound by contract to fix everything, no matter how much it costs. If they refuse, then the iBuyer will deduct significant amounts of money from their already […]
MANAGEMENT POWERFACT: The more you pay attention to the little things — the more BIG things you’ll have to celebrate as an organization. This week, I wanted to reach out to the brokers and managers. After sitting in on roundtable discussions in the last few conferences my team and I have attended, I realized that […]
“The most effective leaders are those who are both introverted and extroverted, who can harness the strengths of both personality types.” – Susan Cain
As real estate professionals, the best way to earn a client’s trust is to find a way to connect with them on an emotional level, like sharing the things you are most passionate about in real estate.
Check out how our real estate coaching program helps add more wins to the week, along with celebrating them!
The right training and tools are essential keys for taking your business to the NEXT LEVEL™. That’s why we are committed to delivering new…
In today’s ever-evolving world, staying ahead of the game and finding new ways as a leader to innovate and grow is essential.
Resilience is a must in this day and age, particularly in our business. Let’s look at how anchoring in self-care can help build your business.
In today’s ever-changing market, ongoing real estate training and professional development is more important than ever, and for some pretty powerful reasons.