Darryl is a Keynote Speaker, Author, Business Coach, and Comedian. That’s a lot of hats. If you had to sum it all up though? There’s one thing that Darryl is overwhelmingly passionate about. That’s helping people design lives and careers worth SMILING about. So much so — it’s the foundation for the mission and vision for our entire organization. He’s been teaching and training sales professionals for more than 30 years with humor, heart, and the kind of how-to’s that allow people to achieve real-world results. The kind of results that make a difference in their bottom line. More importantly, the kind of results that make a difference in their life. His commitment to our team and every single member of it is shows up in big-hearted and extraordinary ways every day. He fights for us, believes in us, champions us, and supports us – all of which makes us want to do the same right back for him and our Power Agents®. He’s not like any other real estate or business coach you’ll ever meet and for amazing reasons. There is an authenticity, compassion, and realness about Darryl that we absolutely love – and we know you will too.