There’s a funny old saying that goes, “I don’t need to know how to build the watch, I just need to know what time it is.” There are a LOT of POWER AGENTS® who don’t have the time, inclination, or desire to customize their marketing tools, figure out social media, navigate their CRM, or compose their correspondence and WE GET IT. Fortunately, the universe has given us an amazing, kind, and talented human being who is delighted to help those members do all of these things and more at incredibly reasonable rates. Meet Hailey, our super-skilled, powerfully smart, and exceedingly patient Concierge. If you are someone who falls into the “tech” is a four-letter word category or just someone who prefers to delegate the busy work to a trusted virtual assistant, then Hailey’s a go-to gal to help get the job done! You’ll love her. We sure do!