Julie is the living, breathing Heart and President of our Smile Squad, and the perfect combination of drill sergeant, cheerleader, idea-floater, people-connector, and strategist. With her background as a writer, marketing consultant, along with the savvy brilliance of an entrepreneur, she has turned her passion for helping people reach their Next Level® into an art form that Da Vinci would be envious of! When she isn’t dreaming up incredible new ways to help out Power Agents®, she is diving into the nitty gritties, and helping the team make those ideas a reality. As Darryl’s business partner, Julie wears almost as many hats as he does! She is a relentless force of nature when looking for new ways to serve our Power Agents® (minus the path of destruction stuff!). When she says, “Hey guys, I have an idea!” — we know it’s going to change the lives of agents and team members alike! Her ability to see the positive in every situation has earned her the well-deserved nickname of Mary Poppins. This team would be nothing without her beautiful mind and compassionate heart!