Staying Motivated by Focusing on Your Task
POWERFACT: Focus and clarity are the key to staying motivated.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
I was asked this week for some suggestions to keep our motivation at a high level, and how to keep our “Big Why?” in mind. I think many agents are feeling frustrated right now with low-listings, multiple offers, and a lot of competition.
I admit, I sometimes get that way too. Either I find it hard to stay motivated, or I’m disappointed with certain results, but I have discovered this: when that happens, I’m focusing too much on where I want to be and not focused on where I am. Sometimes, when you look at where you want to be and you’re not there, that can disempower you, which can become emotionally draining.
Inch By Inch
When I was preparing to run a marathon, I started at my house and drove 26.2 miles to see how far I would have to run, and I admit, I panicked a bit! I said, “there’s no way that’s accurate. That’s too far. I’ll never do it.” I couldn’t think about the whole distance, I had to focus on what was right in front of me — the next crack in the cement, the fire hydrant, or the next bush. We came up with an expression: “Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard, it’s hard.” What does that mean? It means be present in the moment.
Being Present
First, acknowledge the things that you do have in your life right now, in this moment. Sometimes, when we’re so focused on our goals, we’re not focused on what we DO have because the goal is something we DON’T have; it’s something that you want. As the adage goes, have an attitude of gratitude.
Second, just focus on your daily tasks. What have you done to help your business today? What else can you do? Can you make one phone call to one expired? Can you make one call to one FSBO? Can you go knock on one door? Do that today, and then do it again tomorrow. If you do that math, two conversations every day over 30 days is 60 conversations. If you do that every month, you will start seeing some listings.
The Takeaway
Focus on the task, not the goal. If you perform enough of the right tasks, the goals will happen by themselves. We don’t have much control (if any) over the result, they are just the results. We don’t have too much power over the goals, it’s just what we want.
But, we DO have control over our day to day tasks. Be task driven, not goal driven.
Find Your Support System
To help stay motivated, stay close to your support system, whether it’s coworkers, friends, family, or even in the power agent Facebook group. You are all there sharing highs and sharing lows, and communicating with one another and supporting one another. It‘s so important to remember you’re not alone in this or reinventing all the wheels by yourself every day.
That can feel exhausting and de-motivating, but when you are with thousands of agents that are just like you, doing the same thing, and getting up every morning and thinking about “how do I make a difference and how do I create a breakthrough”, it’s so empowering to be a part of a group like that.
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? Stay motivated to keep at those daily tasks and work towards those goals by being present in this moment.
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