Summer Real Estate Prospecting Tips
Ready to put some SIZZLE into your summer prospecting? These real estate coaching tips can help!
Prospecting in summer might feel awkward, but it doesn’t have to be! We are often asked how to weave prospecting into summer plans. Our recommendation? Get some Vitamin D by heading out to your neighborhood farm for some good, old-fashioned door knocking and have some fun with it. Old school? Maybe, but it’s a great excuse to get outside into the beautiful summertime weather without missing a beat.
If you haven’t yet chosen a farm neighborhood. Let me give you a few tips. First, don’t just choose the farm based on the proximity to your home or office. Instead consider these three factors closely before deciding:
- Competition: Choose a farm that does NOT already have another agent with more than a 15-20% market share. (That’s like swimming upstream!)
- Average Home Price: It’s just as much work to farm a neighborhood that has $60,000 properties as it is one that has $260,000 properties. Consider your return on investment! We actually have a calculator (and a video to explain the math) in the Farming and Self Promotion tab. Check it out.
- Turnover. You’ll want to find a neighborhood with a turnover rate around 7 to 8 percent. Love this tip from Inman News: To calculate the rate for the neighborhood you’re looking at, add up all of the properties sold within the past 12 months and divide that by the total number of homes in the area.
Now let’s dive into some prospecting ideas to put some sizzle in your summer marketing!
- Door knock in the neighborhood. Create a visually appealing flyer with information that the homeowner will find valuable like a Neighborhood Market Report Update to hand deliver to residents, introducing yourself and building rapport.
- Consider this Dialogue. Here is a great ice-breaking dialogue to get you started and give you confidence to get out there and make things happen! Hi, my name is (your name) and I’m the neighborhood real estate specialist! I am currently offering homeowners in the area a Neighborhood Market Report. It’s a report that shows how much neighboring houses sold for and based on that information, gives you a value range for your property’s worth. We believe this is important because a home is usually one of a family’s most important assets. Just like a stock portfolio, you should periodically get an update on the value of your assets. Is that something you would be interested in?
- Host a community event. Hosting an outdoor event for your farm area is a great way to enjoy some summer fun while getting to know your potential clients. Whether it’s a barbeque or a Movie-in-the-park night, summertime is the perfect time to mix business with pleasure.
Lastly, whatever you do, have some fun with it. While it might feel outside your comfort zone at first, the bottom line is that we are in the business of building relationships with people. If you’re out in your neighborhood farm with the mindset that you are there to serve the people of that neighborhood, help them know the value of their homes, educate them on the market, recent listings and sales and what that all means to them — then you are serving – not selling. Coaching, not closing. That makes all the difference.
Watch this:
Power Agents, you can download a trifecta of handy tools in your Farming and Self Promotion tab to help make this easier!
- Neighborhood Market Report Letter. This is a great letter to send in advance of your door-knocking day The letter currently says that you’ll include the certificates with the letter. You can add into the letter the dates you’ll be in the neighborhood and let them know you can collect them at that time and will have extras with you when you visit.
- Neighborhood Market Report Certificate. This certificate downloads and opens into PowerPoint so that you can customize with your contact information and even the recipient’s name. These are also great tools to send to your sphere of influence!
- Door Knocking Dialogue. This is a great ice-breaking dialogue to get you started and give you confidence to get out there and make things happen!
Lastly, have some fun with it. While it might feel outside your comfort zone at first, the bottom line is that we are in the business of building relationships with people. If you’re out in your neighborhood farm with the mindset that you are there to serve the people of that neighborhood, help them know the value of their homes, educate them on the market, recent listings and sales and what that all means to them — then you are serving – not selling. Coaching, not closing. That, my friends makes all the difference. Not just in how you feel about prospecting, but the results you will get because people will be able to feel your authenticity and integrity in that approach to them. Good luck and happy door knocking!
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