Using the 5-Second Rule to Get More From Your Day and Your Life
Powerfact: One big key to overcoming fear of the unknown — is to take ACTION.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
I normally start the day by getting caught up on the news and researching and reading new articles. I have to tell you; I love learning and research because it helps me to bring great content and context back to our Power Agents®.
I’m going to share with you something that I just recently discovered. I came across an article by an incredible speaker and author, Mel Robbins. She wrote a bestselling book, The 5- Second Rule. It’s about transforming your life, work, and confidence with everyday courage.
What is the 5- Second Rule?
Mel explains, “The 5 Second Rule is simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it. … There is a 5-second window that exists between the moment you have an instinct to change and your mind killing it.”
My Take
It’s easy to let those negative feelings and emotions kick in, right? The moment we think something might be a challenge, require courage, or require you putting yourself at risk, the mind goes into survival mode.
Safety First
As human beings, we want to be safe. We want to run away from things that could do us harm. We are wired for self-preservation. So, if we start to think about doing something that puts us into a position where we might experience rejection or fear, our mind will talk us out of doing it.
Engage That Brain
The 5-Second Rule helps to get your pre-frontal cortex going. That’s the part of the brain that does the decision-making and strategic thinking. It allows you to learn new behaviors and work towards your goals, and lets you act courageously.
Countdown Correction
Counting back 5-4-3-2-1 engages your brain and draws your focus to your pre-frontal cortex so you can take charge of your decision-making and actions, which means you can change your bad habits into positive ones.
Take Action
The point of the 5-Second Rule is to help you make more courageous decisions and not squash an idea just because it might take you out of your comfort zone. Take that idea, then quickly take action on it within five seconds so you don’t give your brain a chance to talk you out of it!
Give Yourself Permission
As you’re going through your week, give yourself permission to let those new ideas flow. Don’t be so quick to process and dispute them. Don’t give yourself time to think of all the reasons why you shouldn’t, just take action. This process closes that gap between thinking and doing, and this is where you can start seeing becoming more confident and start making progress towards our goals.
Ready, Set, Go!
Ready to start taking things to the next level? Have courage and put the 5-second rule in place this week and see how that feels.
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