
November 14, 2017

Work a Prospecting Plan

Simple. Effective. Smart.

By Real Estate Expert and Coach Darryl Davis

You’ve got to TAKE ACTION to make progress.

As we wind down one year and gear up for the next, I wanted to share with you a very simple — and very effective — plan to work.

A: Cold call three hours a week. All the top producers that I know are making six-figure incomes. They are making $100,000 plus a year in their pocket and part of their plan of action is to cold call once a week for three hours. Why would that be a good thing to do? I mean, here are people making six-figure incomes; they probably don’t need to cold call, right? Wrong. They do it to keep their skills sharp and stay on top of their game. Not to mention the fact that cold calling enables them to maintain a high listing inventory in the first place.Work a Prospecting Plan

B: See two FSBOs a week. Get out of your comfort zone and tap into these motivated sellers.

C: See two expireds a week. Again, these are usually motivated sellers!

Now, just looking at letters A, B, and C, how many listing appointments are you going to attend at a minimum? Four. Do you see that? Two FSBOs, two expireds — four is an absolute minimum. This is what a lot of top producers do. Of course, you might go on more as a result of the cold calls as well, right?

Or you can try something that I personally did. We’ll call it Letter D.

D. Deploy a listing campaign. I used to go on listing campaigns. For just 30 days, I would list like a madman. I wouldn’t work with buyers at all, except for the “A” buyers. I would just list, list, list, list, list. When I got tired of that and I wanted a mental break, I would go play with buyers. I say “play” because when you build your inventory you don’t need the buyers you see to buy because you already feel accomplished. You don’t feel like you need to make a sale because you have 29 listings in the bank and you know that something is going to click. It’s just a matter of time

Once I got tired of the buyers and I was ready to go back to listing — boom — I would do a listing campaign once again.

Remember this — real estate is a race, not a sprint. So, you need to pace yourself that way.

Now, let’s start working a plan! Need help? Sign up for a 30-day free trial of The Power Program®, and make sure you join us for our next Power Agent® call.  You’ll find the login credentials on our Home Page.  I promise you, you’ll not only get better RESULTS with both buyers AND sellers? But you definitely will have more fun while you’re at it. I’m all about designing a life worth smiling about. The Power Program and I can help you do just that!

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