Being Prepared Isn’t Just for Scouts
Whether homeowners are faced with natural disasters or other devastating issues, being prepared with answers and resources to help them through is one of the many ways we can serve our clients.
I happen to know a couple of meteorologists, and one of the few things that I’ve learned about these scientists is that they really love the weather. I’m talking about a true passion for understanding how weather systems work and shift, and what the results can be. Obviously, none of them would ever want a hurricane that would result in the deaths of a lot of people, but at the same time, they experience excitement about such a powerful weather system, because that’s what they are interested in.
It isn’t just meteorologists who are interested in hurricanes, the real estate industry is too. Homes are damaged, if not completely destroyed, and people are left homeless, and wondering where they are going to live — that’s our industry.
The Boy Scouts have had the motto “Be prepared” since 1907, and the world has embraced this motto as we continue to see how the need for being prepared has only grown more and more important.
For Agents in The Affected Areas…
If you are an agent in one of these areas, you can be a source of help for people. Homes are our specialty, after all, and we need to step up and help our communities. It isn’t just about finding homes for these displaced people, but becoming a source of information. Find out whatever you can about insurance for their homes and belongings, where and how to file a claim, whether or not they still have to pay their mortgage, or if there is a grace period on their payments while they get their lives back together.
Homeowners who had just entered a contract for a home that was damaged are going to have a lot of questions: what happens to the contract? How are these damaged and destroyed homes accounted for? What are the legal positions of all parties involved? It’s in these challenging times where we, as real estate agents, need to step up to help buyers and sellers in our community.
TIP: Check out this article, “How Our Difficult Times Help Us Empathize With Others.”
For Agents Not in The Affected Area…
While you may not be affected this time, natural disasters or other challenging times can hit without warning, there is no time like the present to get prepared for it.
This article by the National Association of REALTORS® summarizes some of the major points that we need to be aware of, and you can use this as a starting point in your own research to be prepared.
It’s Not About Reacting, but Being Pro-Active
Being prepared isn’t limited to hurricanes, but other natural disasters like tornados, floods, etc. It’s about looking ahead to know that you can help, no matter what happens year-round.
This is the proactive thinking that sets you apart from your competition. It’s not about the money, it’s not about the transaction, it’s about the service, and being prepared to help your clients no matter what storms arise.
There is an acronym that I created a long time ago but haven’t used in awhile, but I rediscovered it recently and thought I needed to share it. This acronym for Power is:
People Obtaining Wealth, Enthusiasm, and Results.
Excellent real estate agents know this business isn’t about building wealth, but helping others, not just to move to their next home, but to have enthusiasm through the process. The things on your to-do list aren’t things you HAVE to do, but things you GET to do.
What’s Next?
Are you ready to start taking things to the Next Level®? If you don’t already know what you need to do to get to your next level, we can help!
Power Agents®, for more strategies and tools for helping homeowners in need and getting prepared, check out the Disaster Plans and other content in the Farming, Self Promotion, and Mailings tab in the Classroom. Whether you need a boost of confidence or empowering dialogues, we are here to help you get the skills you need to be the go-to agent for the buyers and sellers in your farm area.
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