Inspiring Dreams and Resilience in Real Estate
John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
Who was the attorney for the Plaintiffs in the NAR Lawsuit and what was his agenda?
“Leadership is not a person or a position. It is a complex moral relationship between people based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good.” —Joanne Ciulla
Recent legal developments have upended long-standing industry practices and created uncertainty about the future.
If you’re a homeowner who’s on the fence about whether or not to sell your house during the holidays, here are 10 reasons why NOW is a great time!
In our industry, valuable opportunities often come from complexity and uncertainty, requiring risk-taking, unconventional thinking, and a departure from comfort zones – and that’s not a bad thing.
As we adjust to NAR lawsuit verdict fallout, brokers must adopt strategies to to increase transparency, nurture agent relationships, and retain market share.
Takeaways from Our Interview with Super POWER AGENT® Jennifer Hiller and how she managed to get 22 listings from one letter…
We’ve arrived in a new era of real estate. It’s unclear what changes will come, but we can be certain that the old ways of doing things are going to change.
The recent NAR commission lawsuit and the negative headlines that have followed have created a challenging environment for everyone in our industry.
In the wake of a groundbreaking NAR lawsuit, the debate rages: should real estate commissions be ‘uncoupled’ to benefit buyers?”
Carlos Ghosn aptly stated, “The role of leadership is to transform the complex situation into small pieces and prioritize them.”