How to Digitally Farm Using Facebook Community Pages
Becoming an influencer and contributor on the community Facebook page of your farm area is smart marketing and a good neighbor quality!
One powerful way to stay connected with the folks in your neighborhood farm is to become a frequent contributor on the community Facebook page for your farming area. These community pages are growing more and more popular as consumers look for recommendations, ideas, share lost pet information, weather alerts, school activities, and use it as a clearinghouse for information. There are so many ways to become an influencer in your community. These pages are a little like digital farming. And farming, digital or otherwise, takes patience.
It’s about Service, Not Selling.
It’s about GIVING, not listing. You’ll see some agents that are all about real estate on their business pages, personal pages, and in groups — that really takes the SOCIAL out of social media. Instead, focus on being a resource people can count on and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how your service is rewarded with referrals and business.
Here are 8 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Become an Influencer Using Community Facebook Pages
1. Have a List of Resources Readily Available
Often, neighbors will ask for recommendations such as contractors, roofers, landscapers, plumbers, handymen, etc. Being able to provide the names and information of trusted sources helps to make YOU a trusted source.
2. Be in the Know
Actively research information that affects your farm area such as school and community events, local promotions, new restaurants or businesses – and share that information on a regular basis.
3. Offer Handy Tips and Ideas
Create graphics using tools such as Canva – or just share tips that can help homeowners in your market. You might share fire, home, car, or bus safety tips, seasonal home maintenance ideas, neighborhood watch information, do-it-yourself tips, gardening strategies, storm or disaster planning, etc.
4. Calendar Fun
On almost any given day of the year, there is SOME crazy holiday to share. National Coffee Day, Pizza Day, Teacher’s Day, Doctor’s Day, etc. Have some fun and spread some good cheer in your community group.
5. Fun Facts
EVERY area and community has history, stories to tell, and fun facts to share. Make it a point to have some of that research handy to contribute. When was the neighborhood first built? What builders were involved? What animals are native to the area? What trees work best in the soil there?
6. Recipes
There’s a little FOODIE in most of us, right? Share some amazing recipes with community members, especially during those entertaining times of year!
7. Humor and Smiles
Good clean humor and funnies are great to lift spirits and make people smile. Cartoons, motivational quotes, inspirational ideas – have fun with them!
8. Real Estate Tips
A good rule of thumb is for every TEN shares, responses, and contributions to the page that you make, you can add a real estate tool or tip such as a FREE NEIGHBORHOOD MARKET REPORT, or market trends, or open house.
Get connected, stay connected, and serve! Becoming a resource that people can trust and count on in your community social media pages costs you nothing but time, yet the reward can be extraordinary! Have fun with it!
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Power Agents, you’ll find lots of tools to stay engaged on social media in our Social Media tab of the classroom. Also, head to your Tech Tools and Training tab for eguides on how to use social media effectively, including the awesome one above with 35 Social Media Video Ideas for Real Estate. Have fun with it!
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