How Decisive Decisions Are Empowered by Your Core Values
Making decisions can be challenging when you fear making the wrong choices. Your core values can provide valuable guidance in navigating the right path forward.
The ability to make informed decisions is pivotal to success in your business. That’s obvious, right? What’s not always obvious though is how crucial it is to approach decisions with perspective and understanding that there is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution. Here’s what we want you to know…
1. Embracing Your Decision-Making as a Catalyst for Growth:
Go easier on yourself. Rather than viewing decisions in black and white, right or wrong, consider them within the context of what best suits the given circumstances. Absolute thinking can absolutely trigger fear and anxiety, creating apprehension around the decision-making process. You get that stop, drop, and roll response that puts you in a holding pattern and delays decision and action. THAT can be costly, both to your confidence as well as your bottom line. Relax a little and recognize that every decision, regardless of its outcome, has intrinsic value – it serves as a catalyst for learning, personal development, and the opportunity for change. (And change is a good thing!)
2. Aligning Decisions with Core Values:
To make decisions that resonate on a deeper level, you’ve got to dissect them based on your core values. These values serve to guide you and can help you understand who you are and what is important to you. By understanding the foundational values at play, you gain crucial insights into why each decision carries weight for you. This introspective approach can be extended when assisting clients in navigating challenges or teaching them to identify and use their own values for effective problem-solving. How often do you sit with buyers and sellers and define what they are committed to? When you can coach your clients into answering that question and get to the root of what they want, they will have greater clarity in how they want to proceed.
3. Embracing the Dual Nature of Values and Discomfort:
Values are not solely guiding principles; they also encapsulate deep-seated emotions. When your values feel compromised, it’s not going to feel good. You’re going to experience discomfort. Let that feeling be your “Ah-Ha!” Then, acknowledge that it’s giving you a signal about your principles and what genuinely matters to you. How often have you heard the phrase, “Get out of your comfort zone” or “If you’re comfortable, you’re not growing”? Discomfort and growth often go hand in hand, and embracing this as an integral part of the decision-making process empowers you to honor your values and make choices that resonate with your authentic self.
How do you succeed more authentically? Establish and refine your decision-making skills so they are totally in alignment with who you are and what you value and listen to your intuition. It knows the way!
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