How Language Defines Our Reality
Explore how the power of language shapes your reality and success in real estate through positive self-talk.
I’m sure you are familiar with the saying, “No worries!” Believe it or not, that phrase didn’t originate in North America, but in Australia. It was first printed in 1965 in the Australian magazine OZ, but had been coined years earlier.
About 15 years ago, I was doing a lot of speaking in Australia, and I heard that term everywhere. I loved it! It was a constant reminder that I didn’t have to feel stressed. The reason that it stood out so much to me is that in Australia, their whole attitude about life is very laid back, so after the seminar finished and I would fly back to New York, the difference in attitudes was stark! Nothing in New York is “no worries” because everything is a worry!
Why Language is So Important
Noam Chomsky, an intellectual and founder of cognitive science, once said, “The structure of language determines not only thought, but reality itself.” Chomsky believes that language serves as the foundation for our cognitive processes, shaping our thoughts and organizing the way we perceive and interpret our reality. By understanding the intricate patterns and structures of language, Chomsky suggests that we gain invaluable insights into the workings of our minds and the nature of the reality we create for ourselves. Language, then, becomes more than a simple tool for communication, it becomes an intricate framework that shapes our cognitive processes, influences our thought patterns, and constructs the very fabric of our perceived reality.
Just like Australian culture gave birth to this idea of “no worries” to create their stress-free, laid-back lifestyle, we can also see where the value of language can affect other parts of our life.
For example, in Alaskan culture, they have over three dozen words for “snow.” Three dozen! They have a word for the type of snow that you can walk on, another for the type you can ski on, a word for snow that you can store food in, and even a word for snow you can build a shelter from. Their three dozen words come from their language needs, which, in turn, develops their culture.
How We Apply This Language to Self-Talk
This idea of language shaping our reality isn’t limited to communication, but also to our self-talk and the way we relate to others. The internal dialogue we engage in constructs the framework through which we understand our own identity, abilities, and potential. By becoming aware of the language we use in our self-talk, we can actively shape and reframe our thoughts, ultimately influencing our beliefs and actions.
By adopting positive and empowering self-talk, we can challenge our limiting beliefs, cultivate self-confidence, and foster a mindset conducive to growth and personal development. Conversely, negative or self-defeating language can reinforce self-doubt, inhibit progress, and create a distorted perception of reality. By recognizing the power of language in shaping our self-perception, we can consciously choose to employ constructive and affirming self-talk, thus transforming our inner dialogue to reflect a more empowering and fulfilling reality.
Related reading: Question of the Week: How can I overcome self-doubt as a real estate agent?
The Homework
Words matter. Pay close attention to the language you speak both to yourself and to others. How do you describe your life? What messages are you sending yourself? What messages are you sending to others? What is the reality you are creating with your language? When you really start to pay attention to the language you are using in your daily life, you will start seeing how that language creates the reality you live in, whether it’s positive or negative.
The Wisdom of Helen Keller
Ask any writer how important language is and they will tell you! Word choice can completely change a scene, or create or change the mood of a piece of writing. One word can imply one thing, while another will completely change the meaning of the sentence. Its why most authors agonize over each sentence…conveying an idea comes down to choosing the right words.
Most people know of Helen Keller, a woman who face tremendous disadvantages, and yet created some of the most inspiring books in the world. When she was a small child, she became very ill, and as a result, lost both her sight and hearing. Now, take a minute to imagine your first memories as someone who cannot hear or see. How would you learn to communicate? You cannot learn to read, and without being able to hear, how could you learn how to pronounce words? It would be incredibly difficult, and that was Helen Keller’s experience for a long time, until she had a breakthrough.
Here’s what she wrote in her autobiography. “I had no concepts whatsoever of nature or mind or death or God. I literally thought with my body. Without a single exception my memories of that time are tactile… But there is not one spark of emotion or rational thought in these distinct yet corporeal memories. I was like an unconscious clod of earth. There was nothing in me except the instinct to eat and drink and sleep. My days were a blank without past, present, or future, without hope or anticipation, without interest or joy. Then suddenly, I knew not how or where or when, my brain felt the impact of another mind, and I awoke to language, to knowledge, to love, to the usual concepts of nature, good, and evil. I was actually lifted from nothingness to human life.
Language opened Helen Keller up to humanity and to the world. When the connection between W-A-T-E-R and the cool wetness on her hand finally clicked, she could understand other concepts like flowers, thinking, and love. She became hungry to learn language, and eventually went on to write several books with the unique revelations that she had gained through her experience. That is how important language is.
As you reflect on the transformative power of language illustrated by Helen Keller’s journey and our daily self-talk, consider the possibilities that open up when we shift our internal dialogue to one of encouragement and empowerment. Words are not just a tool for communication; they are a bridge to a better self and a brighter reality. Commit today to harnessing the power of positive language in shaping your life and success as a real estate agent. Remember, the words you choose shape your reality—choose wisely and watch your world change.
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