Living With Intentionality (and More Peace) This Year
For balance, success, and peace in 2024, it’s more important than ever to lead with intentionality in your business and life.
What does it mean to be intentional? “Intention” is defined by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary as “done by intention or design.” Being intentional means doing something on purpose or being deliberate. Another definition that popped out and took me by surprise was “the healing process of a wound.”
I dug into that a little more, and it’s essentially the process by which the skin and muscle bind back together, and the degree to which it heals depends on how well the doctor brings the muscle and skin back together, meaning “stretching with purpose.” So, being intentional is doing something deliberately to stretch who you are and heal your wounds.
Related reading: ASWC Journal – Healing By Intention
Our Guardian Angels
I saw a video recently that I felt the need to share about intentionality. It was by a priest who said, “In the Catholic faith, we believe that we are all individually assigned a guardian angel, and that angel has a lot of power. The more you ask for the help of that angel, the more power the angel has. If you can ask your angel to intercede…to be a guide in your thoughts and your feelings…the results will be that you get far better than what you originally wanted for yourself.”
Whether you are a person of faith, or believe in the power of the Universe, or whatever Higher Power guides you, put your trust in it, and give your stresses, problems, and concerns up to it, and allow it to support you. This is how you create miracles in your life.
Related reading: The Wisdom of Socrates
The Intentionality Process
Living with intentionality might sound a little woo-woo or even a little impossible, but what if you set doubt aside for a moment and believe in its power? What magic or miracles could you create in your own life?
I broke it down into four easy steps for you:
- Be present – turn off the noise, put your phone away, and just be present with yourself for a minute and enjoy a little peace and quiet.
- Ask yourself, “What do I want for today?” – What’s important for you today? What do you want to produce? What do you want your life to look like today?
- Ask yourself, “What negative thoughts must I avoid today?” You have speedbumps inside you that will hinder your ability to create the reality you want for yourself that day. This is your chance to identify them so you can move past them.
- Acknowledge your Guardian Angel/Universe/Higher Power – Tell them that you need their help today to create your life of intention and bring that joy and success into your life.
Related reading: The Power of Being Present
The Torch Analogy
Intention is like a torch that cuts through the darkness. When you light a torch, it reveals the path ahead. Setting your intention at the start of the day illuminates your direction for the day. It sheds light on your priorities, your goals, and your values. It lets you see beyond the immediate distractions and obstacles that might otherwise cloud your vision. With this torch of intention in hand, you are empowered to walk with confidence and purpose, making conscious choices that align with your deepest aspirations.
As you go through your week, don’t do it by accident, but do it by design.
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