No FSBO Should Be a FSBO
POWERFACT: When you know for a FACT that what you do helps people, and that you can without a doubt get more money for a home than someone can do on their own, conveying that fact becomes vital.
We had a powerful coaching call and the topic of listing FSBOs was front and center. Agents are having a great deal of success using the FSBO dialogue (found in Prospecting) to get in the door for the appointment, but many are struggling to actually get the listing. In some cases, they are still making the shift from closing to coaching. In others, they aren’t quite communicating to FSBOs what they have to lose by “trying to sell themselves first”.
Now, more than ever, it’s important for you to increase your communication skills. In fact, I’d say it’s the number one skill you can fine-tune.
Most agents are truly committed to helping people make the best possible decisions and real estate transactions for their family. With that conviction and knowledge in mind, if you can convey, using facts, figures, visuals, along with metaphors and analogies — that you are better able to help a homeowner get more bottom line dollars for their home, you’ll not only get the listing, you’ll develop relationships that will last a long time.
We’ve talked in the past about the importance of building your listing inventory. I believe firmly that working with FSBOs and Expireds are two of the fastest ways to do that. That’s why I share so many strategies for helping these sellers not only achieve their goal of selling their homes, but also realizing a better return on their investment from that transaction by working with an agent.
In the video below, I share the story of Colby Sambrotto, the founder of ForSaleByOwner.com and how he tried to sell his home on his own for six months and ended up hiring an agent at 6% commission to sell it, received multiple offers, and sold at $150,000 over list price!
I also share the story of Al Bennati, the co-owner of BUYOWNER.com, who listed his $3.78 home in Florida with a real estate professional.
So, if THESE two guys who have made their living telling people to FSBO need an agent to get their homes sold — what message should that send to all sellers?
Use this example next time you’re talking to a FSBO!
Power Agents®, in your Classroom under the Prospecting Tab, you’ll find a copy of these articles (Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine) as well as an updated PDF of the article from USA Today which shares why FSBOs can be a tough sale, to include in your marketing and listing conversations with FSBOs. We’ve included direct links to the articles online for you to share on your social media, as well as PDF’s that you can print to include in your Listing Conversation books for FSBOs.
You’ll also find the 26 Reasons FSBOs Should Not Be FSBOs flyer.
New month ahead – take time to revisit your training in the Webinars tab of your Classroom.
On this topic we recommend the following three:
- The 12 Reasons a FSBO Should Not Be a FSBO
- FSBOs and Expireds Unleashed
- Master the Listing Appointment
Your skills as a communicator and coach for home sellers and buyers are the make-or-break components needed to thrive in this market.
We’ll see you there!
Until then — Keep SMILING!
Now is NOT the time to reinvent the wheel. It’s the time to get laser-focused so that in 90 days, you’re in the position to handle whatever the market throws your way.
Ready? Set? Go!
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Power Agents, you’ll find lots of tools to be more proactive, productive, mindful, and courageous in our Time and Money Management tab in the Classroom. Tools like Living Your Power Agent Prospecting Chart that helps you stay focused and makes prospecting a little more fun!
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