Why Real Estate Agents Should Be Calling Expired Listings
Homeowners with expired listings often feel frustrated because of previous disappointment, but still, most maintain a belief in working with a trustworthy agent.
Homeowners with expired listings often feel frustrated because of previous disappointment, but still, most maintain a belief in working with a trustworthy agent.
It’s an agent’s job to help sellers make good financial decisions when market changes are making them feel uneasy.
The “Finders Fee” is a hotly debated topic in the real estate industry – what’s legal and what isn’t. We took it to a TEAM of lawyers to get to the heart of the matter.
Real Estate Agents usually like to primarily wear either a Buyer’s Agent or Listing Agent “hat.” Here’s why top agents wear both!
Navigating Leadership Through Turbulence and Harnessing the Power of Adaptation in Real Estate
Inspiring your team is more than just getting them on board with goals; it’s about instilling a deep desire to succeed, not just personally, but as a whole group.
Whether you prefer “flying solo” or love the group dynamic, being part of a team has its perks. Here are some tips on how to be a great team member.
In the midst of an ongoing antitrust trial that has the potential to reshape how real estate agents are compensated, we feel it’s crucial to stand behind industry professionals and offer guidance as they navigate this uncertain terrain.
“Leadership is an action, not a position.” – Donald McGannon
Ready to build your business? NOW is the time to shift your energy (and focus) from the NAR Lawsuit Settlement to serious skill building.
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