Search Results for: real-estate-coach-darryl-davis/page/workshops

Coaching Calls

Coaching Calls POWERFACT: The best get better when they’ve got the support of a coach and team behind them. NOW join us for Live coaching calls EVERY* Monday. Bring your best questions, problems, concerns, or GOOD NEWS to our calls each week at 11AM Eastern. We’ll open the phone lines and make sure you get […]

Real Estate Success Stories 

Real estate success stories look and feel differently for everyone – and that’s what makes them even more special. 

Qualities To Look for When Searching For A Real Estate Coach

There are a number of statistics that predict failure for brand-new agents within their first two years, but we disagree! We know that any agent who chooses to use a real estate coach from the start sees the value (and success!) in this incredible partnership.

Podcast Backup

Podcast Backup Listening and learning? Yes, please! Podcasts and audio learning is a great way to take in information in a whole different way. In this tab, you’ll find podcasts of our Power Hour Calls, Interviews with Top Agents and professionals, and skill-based training that’s “music” to a salesperson’s ears! Enjoy!  COACHING CALLS: July 23rd Listen […]